
Game lost by Abandonment, on my opponents turn


In this game

I lost by abandonment during my opponents move. This was less than a minute after my own last move. Is this a known bug?

This is important because this was part of a rated USCF event, and if this is a bug then this causes a problem with rating games


Likely your internet stopped, and you didn't realize it lol


Did you go check your email or something?  That will do it...

rock303 wrote:

Likely your internet stopped, and you didn't realize it lol

If the internet cuts out for a few seconds i do not think they would end the game unless it cut out for several minutes. And even then why would it abandon when my clock wasnt even running?

baddogno wrote:

Did you go check your email or something?  That will do it...

No, unless you are saying any switching/leaving of the tab is instant abandonment. Which should not be the case. 

I did approve people to join the group so they could come in for round 2, but I did not have to leave live chess to do that

Same thing just happened. Opponent turn, no interruptions and he wins by abandonment. It’s a bug.

that often happens online during a disconnect. With some online games {not sure of this website} you can claim a win if the opponent is disconnected. Its fair and unfair as why would you want to have to wait 30 minutes if your opponent isn't online. Also, when your opponent disconnects it can cause the clocks to show an incorrect time from your perspective. My guess is with a USCF game these bugs would not be available. These are just two of theories in playing 30,000 blitz games. Hope that helps some.


bugs meaning the availability to claim a win if you get disconnected from the game.


I just lost a game because of this and I was gone less than 30 seconds. Dudes clock was run down like crazy cause he’s taking 5 minutes a move but I tab out for 30 seconds on his move and it gives him a free win in a game where he’s behind a ton of material. And he never moved it was still his turn. Completely ridiculous


Just happened to me with a 4 minute lead in a 10 minute game, left to watch a video real quick cause opponent was taking forever, came back < a minute later to an abandonment loss. Sorry to necro but it’s absurd this is still a bug after 4 years