
Genius Novelty in Opening Theory!!!


Novelty at Moves 7, 8 and 9... Enjoy and discuss if u like...


That's the most cromulent opening I've ever seen!


Hey pfren -- I think the "BA-DA-BOOM" commentary gives this away as a goof, not a real opening...

Casual_Joe wrote:

That's the most cromulent opening I've ever seen!

i googled cromulent to know if my possible improvement in opening theory was in fact cromulent... and i think it is... thank you

pfren wrote:


1. Does not look like genius.

2. Does not look like novelty.

3. Does not look like chess, either.

Since white played the lemon 6.Bd3 (which no serious player would even think about) what's wrong with the standard ...e5 plan, when white will lose a move (at least) to avoid the e5-e4 fork?

i apreciate your imput, but i think that 6.Bd3 is going to be hot in this new line

wtf_BobbyF wrote:
Casual_Joe wrote:

That's the most cromulent opening I've ever seen!

i googled cromulent to know if my possible improvement in opening theory was in fact cromulent... and i think it is... thank you

It's an old Simpson's reference -- "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."  "Embiggens -- is that a word?"  "It's a perfectly cromulent word!"

Casual_Joe wrote:
wtf_BobbyF wrote:
Casual_Joe wrote:

That's the most cromulent opening I've ever seen!

i googled cromulent to know if my possible improvement in opening theory was in fact cromulent... and i think it is... thank you

It's an old Simpson's reference -- "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."  "Embiggens -- is that a word?"  "It's a perfectly cromulent word!"

Its nice to know there are still true men's out there that quote The Simpsons... The kids this days only quote Family Guy


We are never going to get back the calories that were used to view this mis-clicked game. 

Boxwood-n-Ebony wrote:

We are never going to get back the calories that were used to view this mis-clicked game. 

You dont get it because u lack the insight


Wild moves make for wild games, enjoy it while you can, but it will never be an opening.


58 Rh3+


Instead of Qxd3 you shoulda took with the K and tried to make a 1st down through the hole your linemen made on e4 after your tight end blocks the N on f6. What were ya thinking?


I name this novelty "the Troll".