
Giving odds on


Is there anyway to give odds on I think I can beat any Russian and any Norwegian with odds of a pawn, or knight, or bishop, or queen?  But really though.. and odds? That would be better!

A little help from the powers that be ?

(please flag me, report me , anything to get a response!)


You can play Daily games from a FEN so that should allow you to play odds games. Last I checked you couldn't do that in live though.


Do it manually for live.


Around your level though, piece odds may hardly affect the result of a game.

Queen odds might be more appropriate.

Cherub_Enjel wrote:

Around your level though, piece odds may hardly affect the result of a game.

Queen odds might be more appropriate.

You mean the level that you tank games to just to lower your rating so you can feel about yourself for beating lower rated players?



Amongst novices who hang pieces all the time, queen odds will mean nothing.

And generally, saying piece in chess implies minor piece.

Cherub_Enjel wrote:

Amongst novices who hang pieces all the time, queen odds will mean nothing.

And generally, saying piece in chess implies minor piece.

I'm a bit surprised that someone with a rating as high as yours would have seemingly forgotten the difference between a 1,000 rated player and a 1,400 rated player. The difference is pretty vast.


It is pretty vast. My point is that amongst say, 500s, giving queen odds may mean little. Amongst 1800, queen odds is a guaranteed win almost.

Odds aren't equal at every level for sure.

Cherub_Enjel wrote:

It is pretty vast. My point is that amongst say, 500s, giving queen odds may mean little. Amongst 1800, queen odds is a guaranteed win almost.


Odds aren't equal at every level for sure.

Well sure, odds carry different weights at different levels. But queen odds can still be useful to a 1400 rated player. They may have slightly less impact but it definitely doesn't "mean nothing". 





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