
How do I improve?


I really want to improve fast as I am beginning middle school and want to join the chess club. 

I don't have a lot of time and I want to have a solid plan to get me rapid rating to 1000+

As you can see by my rating I am pretty bad.

Any tips?


I really want to improve fast as I am beginning middle school and want to join the chess club. 

I don't have a lot of time and I want to have a solid plan to get me rapid rating to 1000+

As you can see by my rating I am pretty bad.

Any tips?

Study in your free time. If you do not want to spend money on books at the moment, try to watch some educational content creators on YouTube, and play some games, ideally split the two evenly. An hour per day should be a good start. (30min video, 30min play and analyze). I would recommend Daniel naroditsky speedrun videos.


Thank you



"I really want to improve fast" ++ easiest and fastest is to adopt the mental discipline of blunder checking before each move you make. That alone is enough to get to 1500.


Three check



Improving Your Chess - Resources for Beginners and Beyond...





You probably won't need to study to get to 1000. You can get there by just playing and having fun. If you run into a trap try to avoid it next time, if you see an opening which you struggle to deal with then copy it and try to reduce blunder rate.


The fastest way will get you a lof of rating'll be winning everygame I would think.

Its only $19.99 for the secret guide to chess. Amazing results guaranteed. Get strong in less time than it takes to fly to the moon.


Play slower game..10 min is too fast.

And think very carefully on each move! not 99% of them! and with a lot of games you should get to 1300.

And find one opening with white that you feel very comfortable with and stay with it.


Solve lots of puzzles! You are young and can improve quickly if you do this.


I really want to improve fast as I am beginning middle school and want to join the chess club. 

I don't have a lot of time and I want to have a solid plan to get me rapid rating to 1000+

As you can see by my rating I am pretty bad.

Any tips?


Probably the best way to improve is to play much better players.

Arena's maybe a good idea as you usually get a good spread of players.

It wont be much fun losing game after game but you can learn quick.

Other thoughts are play some Crazyhouse which is good for tactics and patterns, can also help your calculation as you need to always keep an eye on what pieces can be dropped.

Three Check will teach you about king safety that's for sure!

Chess com also has plenty of resources. Doing some puzzles every day and watching some of the instructional videos will also help.

Good luck!




You should also be using the game reviews!


Thanks bro!


It's probably one of the best features on chess com


I really want to improve fast as I am beginning middle school and want to join the chess club. 

I don't have a lot of time and I want to have a solid plan to get me rapid rating to 1000+

As you can see by my rating I am pretty bad.

Any tips?

Just play more games and watch lessons on youtube, I watched Ben Finegold's lessons.


or the lessons here which are pretty good

Learn Chess Online: Lessons, Openings and more -


I improved a lot with the lessons. I watched most of the mastery - opening videos, as well as doing a lot of the exercises in mastery - strategy. (the lessons aren't really effective the higher up you go, though)