
How do you make pre-moves?


Hi, could anybody tell me how to make pre-moves please?

I would be very grateful thanks.


Make the move before it's your turn.




dont release piece ie mouse , as you may face an unexpected move , less time gained but prudent

djdave28 wrote:

Hi, could anybody tell me how to make pre-moves please?

I would be very grateful thanks.


You have to make sure that the feature is turned on.

Go to - play / live chess

In the lower right hand corner is the settings icon. When you click it, the first option is to turn premove on or off.

djdave28 wrote:

Hi, could anybody tell me how to make pre-moves please?

I would be very grateful thanks.


You have to make sure that the feature is turned on.

Go to - play / live chess

In the lower left corner is the settings icon. When you click it, the first option is to turn premove on or off.



Pre-moves and Conditional Moves are not the same thing.

Pre-moves are in live chess.  You are low on time and want to use minimal time.  You are guessing what your opponent will play, and making your move before he's done with his.  If the move is legal, even if it hangs the queen, it will execute.  If it is illegal, it will not and your clock will tick.

Conditional Moves are in correspondence chess.  I move 1.e4.  Conditional Move:  If 1...e5 or 1...c5, then 2.Nf3.  If 1...e6 or 1...c6, then 2.d4.


The Pre-move is automatically made if it is legal.  The Conditional Move is made ONLY if one of the moves in the "if" part of the statement is made.  In the example above, 2.d4 is only played if Black plays 1...e6 or 1...c6, unlike Pre-move where 2.d4 would be played pretty much no matter what as there is no move by Black that makes this move illegal.


ANOK1 wrote:

dont release piece ie mouse , as you may face an unexpected move , less time gained but prudent

yes but part of the fun too!

ANOK1 wrote:

dont release piece ie mouse , as you may face an unexpected move , less time gained but prudent

Some premoves are totally safe, like trying to move a pinned piece, moving into check, and moving a piece onto a friendly piece. In each case usually it's only possible if the opponent makes a certain move.

Other times the there are no threats or captures the opponent can make, so all reasonable moves can be safely pre-moved.