
How do you slow down and follow a plan


In a recent game I achieved the following position as White:

While playing the game I looked at Be2 and Be3 for a brief moment then opted for Nb5. This was kinda the beginning of the end for this game.

My fear was that if I go slow I will let the opponent off the hook and miss a good opportunity. During my own review I have decided that if I would have followed a plan like:
Be3 . (obstructs the king making the e5xf6 threat real forcing the opponent to retreat ),0-0-0 (activating the rook on the D file giving more power to the Queen and tucking the King away, Bc5, h1e1. 
I would have had a strong position with all my pieces in play and on the attack while my opponent was in a rather cramped and uncomfortable position.

The question is if I can see the beginning of this in my game and I can see it in after game analysis, how do I slow down and follow through with it in the game - instead of being afraid of missing opportunity and looking for tactics that are not there.




Nb5 is always a hard decision to make -- as you are not castled and moving an already developed piece in an open position  while still having other pieces to develop.

However if Nb5 wins on the spot, it has to be a great move !    It threatens to win with Nxc7+.  how does Black defend ?     When you find that Black has .......d6  guarding that sensitive c7 spot with his Q  AND  now attacks your e5 pawn that is pinned against your K,  you should then give up your thoughts of winning with Nb5 -- as tables will be turned !

It is OK to consider such moves -- as we always should look for knock out tactics.   But in this case it does not work, and you should then look for another plan.