
How much can I increase my elo?

Hello! Since I started to study chess, on my own, last year I found important to achieve some targets. It' s about ten days I'm wondering: "If I study 1 hour, all spent in tactis, + 1 15'10'' against a Bot, how can I improve until 31st December?" PS. Can I use in a better way to improve my study time? Thanks!

That's not time conscious enough. All the best GMs had their time budgeted down to the second. You'll never get far with that attitude.


That's a good start. But why against a bot?


@Jenium: I'd like to play against bot as this way, when I Will start playing online ( within 3 months) if I had improved and I will win the Glicko sistema will give significantly more point. I cannot explain exactly why, but Is the way It works.

Here’s how id change up your schedule:

20-30min tactics

15|10 game plus deep analysis (both wins and losses) against A PLAYER

30min openings and endgames

If you do this everyday I wouldn’t be surprised if you made it to the 1600-1800 range.
#4 You are just wrong
medelpad wrote:
Here’s how id change up your schedule:
20-30min tactics
15|10 game plus deep analysis (both wins and losses) against A PLAYER
30min openings and endgames
If you do this everyday I wouldn’t be surprised if you made it to the 1600-1800 range.

Rapid is important but this could also work with blitz it depends on the person if you do better with blitz do that if you do better with rapid also fair

#8 Blitz definitely works but I didn’t want to deviate too much from his initial plan.

Oh that makes sense


Thanks for your help!

user12162039 wrote:

@Jenium: I'd like to play against bot as this way, when I Will start playing online ( within 3 months) if I had improved and I will win the Glicko sistema will give significantly more point. I cannot explain exactly why, but Is the way It works.

I'd recommend not to worry too much about the rating and more improving. The rating will follow. Playing bots isn't the best option in my opinion, as they tend to make unnatural blunders. Also there is no psychological aspect when playing the machine. Besides, you can play unrated against humans too.


That depends on you . In the previous month i had a rating of about 350 and now i have 750 which is a major difference ( even if its still low )



"Can I use in a better way to improve my study time?"
++ Key is to analyse your lost games and learn from your mistakes.

"how can I improve until 31st December?"
++ You can reach 2000 by 1 h/day everyday hard and smart work.


The quality of your study time is more important than the quantity. Focus on understanding concepts deeply rather than just putting in hours.