
How soon can you forget a chess game, after it is over?


Do you keep recollecting and reflecting on a chess game, after it is over? 

I am curious to know, if there is anybody who can instantly forget about a chess game after it is over.  I know it is very difficult after a tense game between equals. 

It is especially hard when you lose in chess.

It is even more harder to forget where you lose from a winning position.

But there are some people who are more better than others in coming out of it and getting back to normalcy quickly.

I for one, can take some time to come out of a chess game, after it is over. Sometimes or many times, keep thinking about the critical moments of the game. Over the Years, I got better to come out of it. But still, a lot more can be done in this regard.

Please share how you feel after a chess game. Just trying to understand your perspective, in this regard.


You can forget the game, but you should remember what you learned from your mistakes.


Good point. Looks very simple. But not so easy, in reality. At least for me.


'He evidently has an extraordinary good memory,
for he always makes the same mistakes'
- Steinitz