
Cool Trick



And White wins because he still has mating material when Black runs out of time. It's an old story.

That is funny when it happens to someone else. Good job, I almost never achieve a stalemate position

Nice stalemate :)
That is a good attitude

That's why I don't like bullet or 5 to 3 minute blitz without increments.  Time is king in blitz, takes precedence over good chess.  I've seen people at the 2000 level or so that where not good chess players.  Hikaru Nakamura said himself that if you find yourself winning in lost positions all the time then it's time to stop playing and take a break and wait till the next day.  I say if you win the majority of your games like that, then perhaps your rating is inflated.


Phriex, i believe your rating does go up a point though if you get stalemate vs. some higher elo player


Don't listen to anyone, I personally think win is a win!

He didn't checkmated you no excuses, so it means he didn't managed his time correctly and couldn't finish you earlier.

Props to you winning in a loosing position even tho I know it's a draw officially


A great trick, which exactly works when the opponent is really short on time and can't see through it...



ironbasicb wrote:

in real every day life is holding down the clock, very annoying

I was once thrown out of one of George Goodwins rapid plays at the barbican over that issue.

The oppoent was continually having hand on the clock (not digital) stoppi me from pressing it. The final straw was when he moved knockong over half my pieces, and pressed the clock, rather than pick them up in his time. 

 Im afraid I lost it and nearly came to blows, or rather it would have been one blow that would have launched his speccy little face across the room. I was the one thrown out. While he sat there smirking. 


even writing tis has put my blood pressure up !! Even though it was Thirty years ago.