
How to become a grandmaster??


*Sonia has left the chat*

JackRoach wrote:

*Sonia has left the chat*

you rockin with that!?

DaBabysSideTing wrote:
JackRoach wrote:

*Sonia has left the chat*

you rockin with that!?



To toss my hat in, I think if you put enough hours in, and I mean like serious studying every day of openings and chess patterns, you can become a GM. Even people like Anderssen in the 1850s had most of his chess achievements after he passed 50 years old. (btw he was world champ from 1850-1866). Yes, some people will just have a natural talent that makes learning chess easier for them, but I believe that anybody if enough time was put into chess, can become a GM.


I don't wanna be that guy, but I did win the argument. Right?


JackRoach-1 Sonia-0


K, good.

This one will go in the history books, undoubtable. 

JackRoach wrote:

What you said before:


If ur 10 and have talent then it's definitely reachable provided u put in the hours.

my point is that none of us in this forum have that "talent". Regardless of when we start, or how long we practice we'll never get to that point.


What you say now:

U dont seem to understand.

Im saying if u dont have talent, no matter when u start, u'll never get to GM. Even if there is a slimmer of chance, starting at 18 removes any last piece of chance u have. 

This isn't as big of a deal with someone that has talent. although they would of wasted so much time if they started at 18


Seems like opinions from two different people. Explain your logic for supporting both contradictory arguments please.

They didn't exactly and completely contradict like black and white, but it's pretty confusing.


But look, first they say they have no talent and it is almost impossible. They don't say it directly, but they were completely implying it.

And then, they say it is definitely impossible.


this was fun to read. 


Hmm... you might be right actually. Sorry, yeah I was wrong about that. 


But listen, they said themselves that the OP would never be a GM. But then, 

If ur 10 and have talent then it's definitely reachable provided u put in the hours.


Yes, they do say that

my point is that none of us in this forum have that "talent". Regardless of when we start, or how long we practice we'll never get to that point.,

But they don't know that for sure. Listen, I'm not arguing that OP is gonna be a GM, but they say it's possible and then impossible.


Thanks for pointing it out. Even philosophers can be wrong.


I didn't read fully the, "If ur 10 and have talent then it's definitely reachable provided u put in the hours." I didn't read that it said talent, I thought it didn't.