
How to deal with opponents asking me to play faster? everytime they ask me to play faster i blunder


For me, I suggest that if they want you to play faster, you could ask them why? Are they leaving the site soon, going on a long vacation, what?


Also suggest to them that they can play live chess, or choose only faster moving opponents. If the time control is 3 days/move, then you have the right to use all 3 days each move. If you needed to make a move every 3 hours or so, it would say so.

imsighked2 wrote:

Tell them you will play faster for $50 (U.S., Rupee equivalent, or Bitcoin). Tell them you accept Visa and ask for their credit card number and expiration date.



block chat


I’m different. I like to leave the chat on and take screen shots.

I know the feeling, I was in a 30 minute Swiss Tournament and of all people, it was a participant spectating my game to encourage fast play.

The irony I was up in material and winning position but my opponent refused to resign so therefore I took my time and converted the win.

Stay focus and play your game. When I play 30 minutes, I am expecting an hour game.

If those people want to you to speed up in 30 minute chess, tell them to play blitz instead