
How to play closed stonewall pawn structures


Hi all recently I've managed to get these kind of pawn structures in quite a few of my games and struggled to find a plan on how to move forward. Great for drawing with stronger players but would like to know how to play these structures for a chance of pushing for the win. (pieces have been removed so to show structure)




Usually with few files to work with, especially when they're all on one side of the board, there is too little play in the position to try to win in any meaningful way.

Sometimes in blitz, or against weak opponents who won't know to look for it, you can sacrifice one or two minor pieces to try to infiltrate or roll some pawns forward.


Stonewall formation

Openings: Primary: Dutch Defense. Other: Colle systemEnglish.

Character: Closed game, uncomplicated strategy.

Themes: Exchanging the bad bishop, e4/e5 outposts, breaks on the c and g files.

Players must carefully consider how to recapture on the e4/e5 square, since it alters the symmetric pawn formation and creates strategic subtleties. This structure also appears in one of Botvinnik's treatments of the English. Adding the typical White fianchetto of the king's bishop to this structure provides significant pressure along the long diagonal, and usually prepares the f2-f4-f5 break.