
How to reach 2000 ELO ?




MyNameIsAdis wrote:

I am not ambicious to become a master in chess. My only goal is to reach 2000 rating and be good at chess, because I really love it. So guys can you give me some suggestions how to make proggres ?And what is average time in your opinion to reach that goal if I start to study chess seriously ? Thanks !

It took me 2-3 years to get close to 2000 rapid on this website but I actually reached 2000 rapid after almost 4 years.

There are guys here who reached 2200 rating in 2 years, there are people who are below 1500 even after years of playing. It depends on natural talent, how much you play, how serious you are about improving etc.

I reached this rating by playing games, sometimes analysing my own games and by watching Naroditsky and other titled players on YouTube.


If you really want to get better at chess, the only thingyou need to do is play a lot of chess and do a few puzzles everyday. happy.png

If I knew I’d tell you mate, still 1800 here

How to reach 2200?


Why are you being so rude? Can't you behave atleast once like a normal person? Worship God and do meditation if any of that helps.


Whom are you talking about? Are u mad or what?


one game a day might help reach 2000?rest and patience is key


50% studies of own games, books about middle game and end game and keep the opening repertoire alive. 50% play non blitz; 15 min+10 or longer.


I recently reach 2000 in rapid after started playing again 5 years ago at around 1400. Things that I think I have been doing right:

- Play live games. I played 151 games in the last 90 days. It is not about rushing 100 games a day, but rather consistently find time to play 1-2 games a day. Plus, I don't play blitz, but rather 10min games. You learn nothing if you don't really have the time think during the game!

- Analyse your games. I don't have subscriptions, therefore I make the most of the 1 review per day that I got. Things to look for are your mistakes / blunders, the opponents mistakes, and how you can punish them. Focus specifically on your mistakes by recalling what you was thinking during the game and contemplating why you missed the correct move.

- Doing puzzles: I only have 5 puzzles a day and I try to clear them daily. I take the time to read the whole sequence before making the first move.

- Find a offline chess group: I find that play otb chess is more fun, with all the interactions and stuff. You may find your motivation to improve by joining one. My board vision improved too and I can read 1-2 moves ahead more than I'd normally read from the 2d board.

- I reviewed games I played a year ago: to see if I would play differently then. This is usually encouraging as I find myself not commit the same mistakes I made before. I take that is the sign that I have grown stronger.

I don't really study openings, endgames, nor spend much time watching youtube tutorials. I guess my improvements are solely from my consistent playing habits. Before you acquire these habits, don't bother studying chess.

MyNameIsAdis כתב:

I am not ambicious to become a master in chess. My only goal is to reach 2000 rating and be good at chess, because I really love it. So guys can you give me some suggestions how to make proggres ?And what is average time in your opinion to reach that goal if I start to study chess seriously ? Thanks !

i sugest you to work alot on online curse and make a habit to learm and parktich chess and anaylys your games i rekomend chessmood and gavrirl tyson on udmey


I think he gave up, his account is inactive




By sweating a lot.


As an actual 2000, 3 things.

1. Enjoy the Game

2. Consistency is Key

3. Opening theory is useless

4. Bonus: Just keep looking at grandmaster games, learn 1 thing from each game and you should improve


One thing that people tend to forget when grinding toward a rating is to enjoy playing chess. They get so focused on reaching a rating level that they lose all the joy from chess. That can make it even more demoralizing when losing a game, often leading to people quitting chess. So while studying and practicing to reach 2000 or whatever milestone, remember to ENJOY the game and have fun.