
How to stop sweating during chess?


How do I stop sweating during chess? My chess sweats smell different and seem to develop into non-stop dripping beads of sweat out of nowhere. I'm not overweight, but have high blood pressure. I assume it's related to elevated heart rate, perhaps my question is how do I stop getting overexcited during chess games? Should I try unrated games with long time controls to take the edge off? Do master level players still sweat during chess?

the-blonde-cat wrote:

don’t play after a work out. take a shower first.

I don't work out. Showering first is in vain if I'm just going to sweat all over again. Thanks none the less.


use deoderant on your entire body, play without a shirt and remove your widows


Oops, my bad, i thought it said How to stop CRYING in chess?

Next time i'll dry my eyes before trying to read...cry


take off your clothes



Of all the advice, prolly removing your clothes as a tactic is the most odd.