
How to train time management??


Somehow, all my games end with me having tons of time left!

How do I train to use correct amount of time?

I want to follow: "When you find a good move, find a better one", but I seem to move too quickly. How do I train not to??

Learn all the common endgames that will save you time
Vertwitch wrote: Learn all the common endgames that will save you time

I have. I am talking about middlegames.


And I don't want to SAVE time, I want to USE MORE of it!


Do you lose games with time left on your clock? You play too fast. Slow down.
Do you lose games on time in won positions? You play too slowly. Speed up.
Analyse your lost games. Look at your fatal mistake. What moves did you consider? Did you consider the correct move? Why did you play the error? How much time did you spend on the error? How much time did you have available?


Have you tried keeping pace with your opponent by not letting the time difference drift by more than say, 1 minute?

Just force yourself to. Come on man. Minimal self control