
I beat mittens

Gandalf wrote:

Send the game link Ren. 

I closed the browser with the game on it


I could only send pics


If you played the bot, you should be able to just go into your archive and find the game and send the link. 

Gandalf wrote:

If you played the bot, you should be able to just go into your archive and find the game and send the link. 

sometimes the games don save in tour archive

Gandalf wrote:

If you played the bot, you should be able to just go into your archive and find the game and send the link. 

games against bots don't automatically save, you have to click "save game" for it to be in your archive


I used a bot v bot game, and turns out, the chess engine is better than mittens. So, whoever beat the 3200-chess engine is better than mittens.



3200 Engine= White

114 moves



[Event "?"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "?"]
[Black "?"]
[Result "1-0"]

1. d4 e6 2. e4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 b6 5. Qg4 Bf8 6. Nf3 Ne7 7. Bd2 h5 8. Qh4 Nf5
9. Qxd8+ Kxd8 10. Bd3 c6 11. Ne2 Be7 12. b3 c5 13. Bxf5 exf5 14. O-O-O Kc7 15.
Bg5 Nc6 16. Nf4 Be6 17. Kb2 Bxg5 18. Nxg5 Nxd4 19. c3 Nc6 20. Ngxe6+ fxe6 21.
Nxe6+ Kd7 22. Nf4 d4 23. e6+ Kc7 24. h4 Rad8 25. Rhe1 dxc3+ 26. Kxc3 Rxd1 27.
Rxd1 Nd4 28. e7 Nc6 29. Re1 Kd7 30. Kc4 Rg8 31. Nxh5 Nxe7 32. Nf4 g5 33. hxg5
Rxg5 34. Rh1 Rg7 35. Rh6 Ng8 36. Rh8 Nf6 37. f3 Ne8 38. a4 Nc7 39. Rh6 Kc8 40.
Rf6 Rd7 41. Kc3 Nd5+ 42. Nxd5 Rxd5 43. Rf8+ Kb7 44. Rf7+ Ka6 45. g3 b5 46. axb5+
Kxb5 47. Rxa7 Re5 48. Kd3 Rd5+ 49. Kc2 Re5 50. Rb7+ Kc6 51. Rf7 Kb5 52. Rf8 Kb4
53. Rb8+ Ka3 54. Ra8+ Kb4 55. Rb8+ Ka3 56. Kd3 Kb2 57. b4 cxb4 58. Rxb4+ Kc1 59.
g4 fxg4 60. Rxg4 Rd5+ 61. Rd4 Ra5 62. f4 Kb2 63. Ke4 Ra1 64. f5 Ra6 65. Ke5 Ra5+
66. Rd5 Ra7 67. f6 Kc3 68. Ke6 Ra8 69. f7 Kc4 70. Rf5 Kd4 71. f8=Q Rxf8 72. Rxf8
Ke4 73. Rg8 Kd4 74. Kf5 Kd3 75. Ke5 Kc3 76. Kd5 Kd3 77. Rg3+ Ke2 78. Rb3 Kd2 79.
Ke5 Kc2 80. Rh3 Kd2 81. Kd6 Ke2 82. Ke5 Kf2 83. Rc3 Ke2 84. Kd5 Kd2 85. Rh3 Ke2
86. Rh5 Kd3 87. Rh3+ Ke2 88. Kd4 Kf2 89. Re3 Kf1 90. Re7 Kf2 91. Re3 Kg2 92. Rc3
Kf2 93. Kd5 Ke2 94. Rh3 Kd2 95. Rf3 Ke2 96. Ke4 Kd2 97. Rf2+ Kc3 98. Kd5 Kd3 99.
Rf6 Ke3 100. Rf7 Kd2 101. Re7 Kd3 102. Rh7 Ke3 103. Ke5 Kf3 104. Rh6 Ke3 105.
Rc6 Kf3 106. Rh6 Ke3 107. Ra6 Kd3 108. Ra3+ Ke2 109. Rh3 Kf2 110. Rd3 Ke2 111.
Ke4 Kf2 112. Re3 Kf1 113. Kf3 Kg1 114. Re1+ Kh2 115. Rf1 Kh3 116. Rh1# 1-0

Gif maker:


Fully made gif:


But if you really did beat mittens, you might not be the best of all bots, but you still did an amazing job.


A real win Vs mittens. No BS. 



What do you mean no bs




ren97ren wrote:

What do you mean no bs

Bs=  Bull Sh.....( A 4 letter word with t at the end)

I beat mittens as a guest a month ago. He was hard but I did it

Nice try ren


either you used stockfish or it was bullet tbh


Bro the last comment was in Febuary 💀