
i can't escape chess but i must!

FelixPlatypus wrote:

hey drags! thanks for blocking me off that stupid "crap that non chessers say" thread!! load of rubbish it was!

Admin sent me an inbox message and warned me so I had to. Even's owner asked you not to talk about the topic you kept perpetuating. Wow, another person putting the blame on the wrong reason. "Stupid thread" and "Stupid chess". Wow.

FelixPlatypus wrote:

you're mixing me up with someone who brought up religion mate. don't let me back on that dumb thread!!!!

Wrong. You were definitely part of that conversation. I reviewed your posts.  Have a good day. Speaking of relevancy, stay on topic for this forum. 


Perhaps your wife likes it better this way.


Maybe you can show your wife just how good you are with bishops... Innocent

Conflagration_Planet wrote:

Perhaps your wife likes it better this way.


jesterville's all in jest, but in reality this is serious stuff.

When I first joined this site I read a post where this guy wrote a diatribe, indicating that he was so addicted to chess that it had cost him his job, his wife left him, and he was totally depressed. There was no further communication from one can only speculate.

FlintLockwood wrote:

All I can think about is this thread getting off the sidewalk and stepping in front of a bus.

I second that. Maybe they didn't get the memo that this is 


Was that thread the one that received warnings for 'religous-content' then afterwards veered off tangentially towards sexual-innuendo instead?


these morons are trying to take over


 ' No blame No praise' for that stuff then.

netzach wrote:

Was that thread the one that received warnings for 'religous-content' then afterwards veered off tangentially towards sexual-innuendo instead?

Yep. Well, that's the downside of the Internet environment. You get a little bit of every type of person whether they're contributing positively or not. I can't take my time to block everyone who misbehaves. I'm not an admin and if I were, I would. But back to this forum, I can't think of a topic any less relevant to chess than someone on a mission to get away from chess. 


Bet you're wishing now you never got married, eh?

Know why divorce is so damn expensive?

Cause it's worth it.



She get's the house & the money.

You get the chess set & the dog.


Ive been tellin you to get a life since i dont know when. You finally decided to take my advice.


Perhaps some kind of adult toy in the shape of Q could help you and your wife regain some 'relations'. No, seriously though, try to strike a balance. Make rules of somekind, designed to ensure a balanced approach to all things. No OCD anymore.


Ilikeflags, I know how to overcome your chess addiction by a simple trick of neurochemistry.

Online gaming and gambling addictions are made possible by dopamine, which is the a neurotransmitter and hormone related to seeking behavior. What gives activities like gaming and gambling that addictive edge is the unpredictability. An unpredictable reward causes 3-4 times the amount of dopamine to be released than a predictable reward. This is hardwired into our brians because on a very basic level the brain thinks there is a method of consistently obtaining that reward that can be found out, and once you figure that method out, of course that would be beneficial to you, so the brain has this mechanism to make you persist. But with things like chess, there will never be any consistent way to win, you don't know what your opponent will do, you may get lucky and have them make a mistake they normally wouldn't, etc. So the joy of winning at chess will always be unpredictable.

So if you're addicted to it, you need to remove the unpredictability of the win. Play a computer program for a few days on its easiest setting so you win every time. After a few days of doing that you should find the addictive sting has been taken out of chess, and you won't be thinking about it constantly anymore. You will still want to play, just not as strongly, and the urge will be easy to resist.

Alternatively you could play a chess engine like Rybka on its hardest setting so you lose every time, either way the unpredictability is removed. I think doing this might be better since you wouldn't be getting any positive reinforcement from it at all.


so many good advices. i'm choosing shock therapy for now and hours and hours of Gavin and Stacey repeats.


you need to reward yourself.each time you can control yourself and not play chess reward yourself playing chess for 1 hour.good luck



i just gave myself a 12 hours reward of chess and cheese puffs.

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