
I made chess eBook Reader that uses AI to make chess PDF books interactive



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How does it work? Open a PDF file from your disk, wait for the processing to finish, double-click on any diagram to open analysis. Each eBook is processed only once. Every next time you open it, it is ready to use. The app uses Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence to find and recognize diagrams in the books.

Since the launch in January I added several new cool features and wanted to share them:

  • Cloud Storage - You can now open each analyzed eBook directly from the App, like in cloud storage. Just go to the My Documents page and click the "Open" button near the book you want to open. It gives you access to your eBooks across all your devices.

  • Game Finder - Each time you open a diagram for analysis, the app searches for games where the position from the diagram occurred and if it finds any, then it gives you a link to these games on

  • Study Creator - You can now select diagrams from books and export them (see the video)

  • Diagram Editor - In some rare cases, for example, if the book is of very low quality, it might happen that one of the pieces is incorrectly recognized. In such cases, you can now edit the diagram manually and save the correction (see the video)

At the moment, we have 1320 users, including titled players (I'm aware of two GM, several IMs, NMs) and many chess teachers - I'd like to thank all of them for awesome feature suggestions, their support, and insights!

Any comments and suggestions much appreciated.

PS, If you don’t have chess ebooks to try, there are plenty of free samples on the internet, e.g.


can you make a offline software ??



I try to use it from iran but I've got errors