
I'd like to understand Aborting


I can't find any official rules about when someone can abort a game.  I understand that if there is an accidental challenge accepted or game started... but can someone abort an Online Chess game more than 2 or 3 moves into the game?

I have reason to believe that I was involved in a game with someone who aborted it after move 7 or 8, which I don't think is right to be able to do without adverse affects to the player doing the aborting.

I may be wrong, of course, but I can find no evidence of our previously active game but I believe it to be the game where I was winning (only just) and that makes me concerned.

LimeFlavored wrote:

I can't find any official rules about when someone can abort a game.  I understand that if there is an accidental challenge accepted or game started... but can someone abort an Online Chess game more than 2 or 3 moves into the game?

I don't think so. You can always resign, but not abort during games. What you describe sounds weird.


IIRC you can abort after making 2 moves, but not 3. Certainly not 7.


Then maybe I'm thinking of a different game... in any case, I dnon't have any means of verification, so I don't know for sure.

But, if someone makes move 3, the abort option should be gone?

. You can always resign, but not abort during games. 


hmm.. i'm encountering this. resigned but it says i aborted.




After move 2, the abort button disappears and is replaced by the resign button.


Oh and isn't it set up here where if you constantly abort games they put you on a restriction for a while?  Like to stop people who keep aborting games if they play as black?