
I'm sick of people only liking me because of my massive chess elo


I'm 1520 now, more sexy than ever.😆


Happy Valentine's Day to Congradolor and Destiny!

RedGirlZ wrote:

Mans grinding his ego flex lol.

Do you like OP's Massive ELO or ego?

Hey baby wanna see my glicko?
congrandolor wrote:

I'm 1520 now, more sexy than ever.😆

May I play your song?


Wow, that is some story. Surprising to me that chess rating even meant that much to them at all. They are aware that they didn't need YOUR phone to see your chess rating right? They could have easily gotten your username with their impressive memory skills and some online searching. They could check your stats, on their own phone, on their own time: if it mattered that much to them. They don't even need a account to do this! I don't really care about your rating that much if it is any consolation. I don't know how obsessed they were with chess rating (or controlling - literally grabbing your phone: what?) but it is probably best that you found out sooner than later.


Does high elo means high IQ? Or opposite? IQ is more important IMO. EQ is equally important.


Yes, I'm pretty sure Sigmund Freud addressed this issue in his 'Models Love a Psyched Elo' paper. He saw that a player's username ID is their primitive and instinctual mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives. Such usernames might include "gunna_beat_u_noob" or "LadiesLoveCoolMe" for example, yet struggle to get over 1000 elo.

Freud then said that having a super elo operates as a moral conscience - and is why Grandmasters like Magnus Carlsen act very calm and collected in all things but often lead lives of reclusive boredom.

Freud then found that elo is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the ID and the super elo. And that having a healthy elo would be an attractive quality; demonstrating the maturity and focus of high aspirations, yet still offering small amounts of instinctual online trolling. Proving to be a cocktail that women find irresistable. If you don't believe me just ask my mother.

Thanks be to Sigmund Freud for his analysis (interestingly, he also founded the Tarrasch variations and was said to brag about it to women frequently in Austria's red light district).

Boogalicious wrote:

Yes, I'm pretty sure Sigmund Freud addressed this issue in his 'Models Love a Psyched Elo' paper. He saw that a player's username ID is their primitive and instinctual mind that contains sexual and aggressive drives. Such usernames might include "gunna_beat_u_noob" or "LadiesLoveCoolMe" for example, yet struggle to get over 1000 elo.

Freud then said that having a super elo operates as a moral conscience - and is why Grandmasters like Magnus Carlsen act very calm and collected in all things but often lead lives of reclusive boredom.

Freud then found that elo is the realistic part that mediates between the desires of the ID and the super elo. And that having a healthy elo would be an attractive quality; demonstrating the maturity and focus of high aspirations, yet still offering small amounts of instinctual online trolling. Proving to be a cocktail that women find irresistable. If you don't believe me just ask my mother.

Thanks be to Sigmund Freud for his analysis (interestingly, he also founded the Tarrasch variations and was said to brag about it to women frequently in Austria's red light district).


Sigmund Freud, hmm... I recall very well at the age of 10 how I was very accustomed to hearing that name, but did not know what he specialised in. Mind you, it was only two years ago; since then, I've probably only developed intellectually in this aspect alone. But I can affirm that I am a fully certified string theorist who believes Anselm and the four groundbreaking arguments. I additionally think that Christopher Langan's Cognitive Theoretic Model and the Universe is extremely good, definitely not compelling the reader to seek refuge from the wishy washy language. My experience as a string theorist stretches as far as Hooke's law; I will hook you, but then as quantum mechanics dictates I will simultaneously not. What, I'm not that much of a Bohr!