
Improve, just improve


Im going crazy with this stuff of improve, i cant improve, i just cant, i dont know how, im tired to search and never find.

I have 1300-1400 i cant be above of 1400, I have 1900 in tactics trainer, i know how to play the opening, I have the knowledge of chess, like pawns structure, or the value of the pieces and where is well placed and more, but always I fail in a game.

I can spend a lot of hours studying chess, or playing.

Im tired of losing more than 3 games in a row, , i dont know what is wrong in my game, when i have a good position i end missing something, and i lose the game.

I just want to improve all i reached was autodidact, Im young and i want to be good at chess to excel.

Without support in chess I only can use the internet, where i live there isn't are clubs, and no one play chess, I cant be in a club because are very far of where i live.

In a whole year i would like have a rating very high, that is too hard but with perseverance i know i can, but i dont know how keep improving.

I always analyze my games with a engine and there is inaccuracy.

I cant afford lessons like i say i dont have any support, I always see videos but in any way i can't improve is really frustrating see how the days keep passing and i keep stuck in the same level.








You are not doing anything for your chess kid. Watching videos doesn't help, most of the people that talk on the videos are weak players or don't know how to correctly explain. Usually both.


Look at some Books on the Internet, and read them, carefully analyze your games and learn where you fail. Knowing the value of the pieces and pawn structure won't help you in any way if you dont know how to connect the knowledge to pratical play. 


There is a nice Chess Club here in U.S. called the St. Louis Chess Club, they upload some actually good videos. 


If you show me you are promising chess start I may even sponsor you.


seeing videos i mean videos about of playing chess, have a structure to think, not blunder, tactics, GM games and more.

I know about structure of the pawns, endgame maybe the basic like if there is a draw, rook againts pawn, queen against pawn, king againts pawn, i know a lot of combinatios in tactic, i solved a lot of puzzles, not lose time moving a piece twise, how to indetify weak pawns to be targets, the weak squears, the open files, or semi open files, well the easy rule of the pawn and the box, I know tricks in the opening, how no blunder in the opening, some strategy etc.

I dont see videos of whatever player, i see videos from pages of chess in english and spanish, videos of titled players who have experience i think :v


Again, watching videos may not be the best unless you are really focused. Books are way better in my opinion. Aditionally a good chess set may also help you and motivate you in your study, check my latest thread.


Well, I would like talk about tips to improve, you dont give me anything, jus go to see videos of st, louis chess club.




But which books?



Why the videos isnt are useful?



I reached 1300 thanks for the videos, and


Books. Logical Chess move by Move. Some Silman's books may also work. My 60 Memorable games etc.. There are a lot of good chess books. But right now try to really focus on tactics, altough you may say you are good on tactics you may blunder some winning combinations in the game. Use for that, and very importantly when doing tactics dont guess moves, calculate all in your head and after it move, there is no point on guessing moves cuase you want to work your calculation also.

Just play as many games as possible. You said that you usually miss something at the end so you should just play more games and therefore blunder less and not throw away good positions.
DonaldoTrump wrote:

You are not doing anything for your chess kid. Watching videos doesn't help, most of the people that talk on the videos are weak players or don't know how to correctly explain. Usually both.


Look at some Books on the Internet, and read them, carefully analyze your games and learn where you fail. Knowing the value of the pieces and pawn structure won't help you in any way if you dont know how to connect the knowledge to pratical play. 


There is a nice Chess Club here in U.S. called the St. Louis Chess Club, they upload some actually good videos. 


If you show me you are promising chess start I may even sponsor you.

I want sponsors! 


I already calculate in tactics, thats why i get better, i not guess the moves i see the moves, if that work or not.


And the book of fischer isn't are algebraic notation 


Si, si esta el libro de Fishcer en notacion algebraica, buscalos en internet.


Okay gracias, antes lo habia encontrado pero estaba en una anotacion muy rara, Gracias.



Esa notacion rara es la que se usaba en los tiempos de Fischer si mal no recuerdo se llama notacion descriptiva o Descriptive Notation. Y no es tan rara, algunos libros muy buenos solo se encuentran en esa notacion pero esos son mas complicados y no creo que los necesites ahora.


Algun otro libro, de preferencia que esten traducidos al español, porque al leer en ingles habra algunas palabras que no entendere u oraciones, por eso es preferible tener libros a la mano en espalol, asi sera menos complicado o me vere embuelto en una clase de ajedrez e ingles



You should try playing more long live games. You've only played 12 standard games. Long games are how you improve at chess, speed chess is more about having fun than trying to improve.


I play in another account, because i have it in the cellphone



De donde eres? En Jalisco, Guadalajara hay una tienda con millones de libros de ajedrez. Traducidos al espanol solo tengo dos, uno de Russek que se llama "Campeones Modernos de Ajedrez" de la editorial Selecotor y uno de la editorial Hispano Europea llamado "Bronstein y la India de Rey" la ultima editorial que mencione tiene como 50 libros en espanol. 


Aunque sera mucho mas facil encontrar libros de ajedrez online en ingles.