


Hey Guys,

I've recently started getting into Chess Seriously again. I am currently very lowly Rated (600 +- Rapid) and I really want to improve. Ive started learning the Sicilian Defence, but I dont really now what to do. Are the lessong here on good enough that you could get a title by only using Thanks for your answers.


Lower your expectations. Getting a title isn't that easy. You need to play and study for years, dedicate many hours and money. Start with opening principles, endgame principles, avoid hanging pieces and take every free piece your opponent hangs, do puzzles daily to improve your tactics and it should be enough to atleast 900. You don't need to memorize opening moves yet. There is a great series called Building habits - how to improve at chess on yt by chessbrah. I recommend you to watch it and follow rule set they have and you will be fine.


Thanks for your responce, will do playhand.png





"I am currently very lowly Rated (600 +- Rapid)"
++ A rating of 600 is a sign of frequent blunders. Always check your intended move is no blunder before you play it. This little mental discipline alone is enough to get to 1500.

"Ive started learning the Sicilian Defence" ++ Do not waste time and efforts on openings.


If you have the time, I've written all of my tips for improvement here:

As for titles, you can get those only by playing FIDE rated over the board tournaments. You can't get a title by playing online games.

By the way, I see that you are generally playing speed chess (10 minutes per side is still speed chess). It is difficult to improve by playing short games. You need to take your time and think about your moves, so it is better if you play at least 15|10 games, and even longer ones if you can.

I’ll try to write something later since I’m busy right now

Forget about titles for the moment. That is a very ambitious goal. Even if you actually have the potential, it will take you a long time to get there - certainly enough to figure out how far's resources will take you. Anyway: is a great resource, but there are books out there that you probably want to read sooner or later.


thanks for the responses  <3

