is the kings value infinite or 0

If it were a regular, capturable piece, most experts put it at 4. The king is pretty much a walking proximity mine — get too close, and you die!
This allows it to defend other pieces much more effectively as well, which is commonly observed in endgames. A knight (3) cannot defend a moving piece because it constantly moves out of its attack and must awkwardly reposition itself, which really only makes it useful for blocking; a bishop (3) is the same way, except it can only defend on every other square. The king, meanwhile, can just camp next to it and move along — and everyone who gets next to him will get smacked out of existence.

the reason why 1/0 is infinite is because if you say 2/1 is 1 you have to count 1 two times which is 1+1 and it's 2 but 1/0 you 0+0+0+0 and it keeps going forevery which means infinite