grow up and quit hit the delete key to the website or do I have to fly out there and do it for you.
Is there a way to get rid of online chess addiction?

Bullet was the thing that started me to play chess. I like it because it was fast, hard to predict moves, but when you do specially at the endgame the joy is huge. I would hardly imagine something so great as crushing players ego and get that joy for your brain at any time you wish.
It's a lot of fun. You can play couple of dozens games in just under an hour.
The thing in bullet is that you can play chess the way you want it to play. There are no openings rules. No general principles - On lower levels that is - up to 1600 i would say. After that it gets hard without some knowledge.
But after few thousands of bullet games i stopped. No point really. I play now only unrated few times in a month - just for couple hours. It's still fun. But it does not improve you anymore.
Players play bullet and can't stop just because they score fast wins and gets rating points. They want to try that opening trap or attack on this player then on this player and so on and so on. But after you get better at chess overall, you no longer wish to play for cheap moves and your desire for bullet drops.

Yes it is very addictive and I can t figure out what it is.
Wanting to improve your game and your blitz rating maybe.I find it pleasant to play against a real person on the other side of the world.You mostly never know who is on the other end of the screen.I hate playing a computer.
This forum with all its wisdom and its follies is pretty funny too now and then.
"We can be heroes.... just for one day". Bowie and one drink just fits me fine while playing.

Chess is addictive, and so is being online. Crappy news, silly videos on youtube, endless amounts of porn. Try this:
This program blocks the websites you add, for the time you want.
This is so funny, basically a program for weak people?!?

Chess is addictive , I am an addict and I like it!! Why stop? It's a good addiction. I don't hurt or insult anybody , I don't drink alcohol , I don't gamble! I just enjoy my favourite game. Keep on playing!!

Chess is a drug.
Chess was always a drug for man's brain.
It's difficult to explain why.Maybe deep into men's primal insticts they are still hunters and warriors and anything that replaces their need to "kill the enemy or the beast" becomes an addiction.
Maybe that is why men are much more addicted in any form of similar excitement(video games , board games etc.).For some reason, the game becomes as important as life for a man while that is rare for a woman.
I agree.

Chess is addictive , I am an addict and I like it!! Why stop? It's a good addiction. I don't hurt or insult anybody , I don't drink alcohol , I don't gamble! I just enjoy my favourite game. Keep on playing!!
I agree too.
Chess is in fact very addictive, specially with the easy way to play on internet (it started about the year 2000 + -).
Chess is a drug.
Chess was always a drug for man's brain.
It's difficult to explain why.Maybe deep into men's primal insticts they are still hunters and warriors and anything that replaces their need to "kill the enemy or the beast" becomes an addiction.
Maybe that is why men are much more addicted in any form of similar excitement(video games , board games etc.).For some reason, the game becomes as important as life for a man while that is rare for a woman.
The enjoyment for me is completely different. For example I enjoy the simple geometric patterns that emerge, that's fun.
The activity that's most like hunting is, well, hunting. And I don't enjoy hunting lol.

i took my first hit in school detention at 9 yrs of age
our maths teacher was the pusher
" i will teach you something" he said and like a trusting fool i began to be a junkie
im sure he let me win now i think about it but the high was so immense
id knocked my teacher for 6 and i was only 9
will i quit ? yes but i aint dead yet
My hypothetical/ Not, 'practicing-what-I-preach' guess.. Is to find/ or research, 1 or 2 other likely 'passions' that, you could conceivably 'share' with your online chess addiction.
Or even start advertising {ala "Jude Acers" on the Web/"YouTube"}, your 'chess' prowness, in a public place - For $$, ideally! 0:

1800 is NOT average...
the specific number is Dramatically lower. JS'
If 2800 is the highest and 900 is the lowest rating a human can achieve then, 1800 which is somewhere in the middle can be considered as average.

There are players with skill level about 500. Kids who just started or very casual beginner adults who played some rated games and they did not improve, but show once in a year or two in tournaments.
For a normal average adult lets say age 30, the highest he can go is about 2 000-2200 after years of study and play. Above 2400 is just impossible for many many players, unless they started chess from teenegers age. Or as adults hire coaches and spend huge amount of time on chess. I consider anything above 2400 to be achieved with talent and private work with coaches. The prestigue holy goal for us normal people is to reach 2200 which is master level.
1800 is considered pretty advanced and experienced player. Very strong and probably impossible to lose to average Joe ~1200 rated.
I have seen people (including myself) playing internet (online or live), bullet/ blitz chess for several hours a day on the websites like This drains a huge amount of energy, time and makes life difficult. Are there many people out there facing this problem or it's just only me
Chess works like a drug in my brain. Want to win more and play more. I hate when I lose. I am an average chess player(1800). I even know that I am not the best one out there and also can't be. People will say that practice will make you perfect and help you improve. But chess is not a joke, Innate chess intelligence is definitely required which I can't buy. No matter how hard I try I can't be the a best or at least a good one.
At the max I can go up to 2000 bullet rating if I try very hard. In bullet chess 2400 rated player trashes 2000 rated player like a tissue and gets smacked down by 2700 rated player. Even in usual chess, no one is perfect. Even Magnus carlsen loses a game on a bad day. Those players are GMs and chess is their life. But why the heck am I not be able to quit it ?