
Millionaire Chess 2!!


Many thought it was just a failure, but in reality was one of the greatest tournaments ever organized, if not the greatest!

It gave the money to a GM to switch from part-time to full-time professional, as we can read in Chessbase news.

Then there has been endless articles, video interviews, and now also a documentary!

The second edition is promising to be even better than the first!

The eternal complainers, who never do something for chess, will continue their relentless campaign, but for once, it would make more sense to use this forum to exchange ideas which are related to training, or preparation for such hard tournament.

And leave the trolls, who wrote so many hateful comments, behind, in their little invisible chess world.

cavallo2014 wrote:

Then there has been endless articles, video interviews, and now also a documentary!


No documentary has been made, they are trying to collect funds.

(unless you are talking about a different documentary?)


>And leave the trolls, who wrote so many hateful comments, behind, in their little invisible chess world.<

You mean here, in the very same place you are posting? Welcome to our little invisible chess world.

I love how anyone who disagrees with all the breathlessness and rapture around MC is called a hateful troll. I'm guessing most of these name-calling posters don't live in exactly democratic states, so likely they are used to seeing minority opinions thus villified...

SocialPanda wrote:
No documentary has been made, they are trying to collect funds.


(unless you are talking about a different documentary?)

I posted that link in the old thread 2 weeks ago and I'm pretty sure it was at $2,100 then. If they're actually reliant on the money (and Amy Lee isn't going to just stump up the shortfall) then that documentary may not happen.


>then that documentary may not happen.<

Kind of like the book, which was on pre-sale on the site for awhile, then vanished.

Oh, and this didn't take long to hit the rummage sales. No takers:


$40K is less than a million dollars n'est-ce pas?


Agree with your preference for the longer time control CallousDragon, wonder why they shortened it, weird for a tournament of this magnitude.


>wonder why they shortened it<

One possible reason is a general cluelessness about how to run a real chess tournament, rather than a publicity event.

Just sayin...



Well, that topic has a lot to it, some important things by me. I've said what I said and wait to see what happens....


Millionare? Why no' billionareCool


The only millionaire at MC is the owner. No-one becomes a millionaire playing it, so the name is misleading. "Millionaire Chess" means a millionaire is throwing a chess tournament.  Million Dollar Chess would have been more correct. 

For some reason this grammatical fact escaped them. Even if they were giving a million dollars to the winner, as Dr. Evil found out, a million dollars doesn't mean so much anymore. You are looking at annual interest of about $30K. Or you can burn through the principal in about 8 years and then find out no-one will hire someone so long out of the workforce.  


Oh, in case you were wondering why we introduced time delays in chess, here's MC's helpful, and completely bizzarre, explanation. 

>A 5 second delay means that a player’s clock will pause for 5 seconds once pressed before counting down. This allows the player to record the previous move and to briefly collect his/her thoughts.<



The GM Maurice "Alien head" Ashley circus continues.


@ Masked Bishop. Just curious, is a game with 5 second delay in effect similar to a game with 5 second increment. Or is there any other difference. Thanks.

Arun_1986 wrote:

@ Masked Bishop. Just curious, is a game with 5 second delay in effect similar to a game with 5 second increment. Or is there any other difference. Thanks.

A 5-second increment adds 5 seconds to the clock each move.  It's possible to accumulate time if you move fast enough.  A 5-second delay starts the clock's countdown 5 seconds after the player's move has started.  No time accumulation is possible.


i and my son must be one of the earliest to register for MC#2. Whom of you took the early bird chance? :)


Troll thread?


This tournament is good for the game, it just needs better sponsors and promotion. Maybe Hikaru wIll play this year.


Magnus Carlsen should join and win the whole thing...


i'll be signing up saturday probably.  

enjoyed the last tournament a lot.  the players i met and played were mostly pretty cool.  had quite promising positions in all my games at some moments except the first one, which was a surprise being in the open section and with very limited preparation.  it helped that we were out of theory by move 10 in 5/9 games and the play was creative and not bad.  we'll see what happens when i know my stuff better.  the two games i felt i really understood the positions much better i won quite convincingly although some behind the scenes lines showed here too i need to work on some stuff as always.  i should be able to manage my time better too.

at least i am less intimidated by my lack of experience playing at long controls or not knowing anybody in the open section.  as somebody who started competitive chess as an adult...

i'm grateful to the players who analyzed with me after the game.  and also to those who were conversationally reciprocative.  7.5/9 of my opponents, although several of those who i talked to deserve extra credit for being especially awesome.  Cool

to the few that didn't, i am especially good at defeating players who treat me less than gentlemanly.  i am a very hard worker and i work especially hard to understand those points where a few select players will not share their knowledge.  my revenge is to become more effective than they and more joyful.  and it works.

re: earlier q:  5 second delay means 5 seconds elapses until time runs down.

my goal is to perform at IM john bartholomew standard who played at the last MC.  based on his excellent youtube channel.  ok, he is a much better player and plays different stuff but i can assimilate some of his knowledge and philosophy too for the better.