
My 8 months here (a retrospective)


Well, friends, fans, and foes, I have been on this site 8 months. I will now assess the last 8 months for your enjoyment.

I stumbled across this site googling chess and chess related questions last November. I immediately took a liking to this site and quickly became a free member. I thought it was well layed out and I liked the dialog between fellow chess enthusiasts.

As time wore on, I found the dialog here....well.....boring--watered down--lacking substance--incorrect--juvenile--etc. I also found the site administrators' misguided judgement getting on my nerves. They..specifically Erik..treated others as if they were children. Treated this site as if it were their house and they were going to run it as they saw fit. People who were publically liked were given infinite more leeway than others. People that had a star or crown by their name (paying members) got away with murder. I saw people get reprimanded for simply talking about other chess sites while the admin turned the other cheek as paying members spouted obscenity after obscenity.

I saw this site evolve and add features that made it more and more interesting to come to. I saw an effort to give the people what they wanted by giving a loud mouthed jerk a private vote chess game with the entire pool of users. I watched the users of this site beat that user (me).

The users of this site have much to learn in the way of life. I sometimes wonder if their age is the same number as their IQ. But I realize that it cannot be, for they managed to band together and beat an above average chess player (me). Most of the users, in my opinion, are under the age of 20. Quick with the temper, quick to throw punches without regard for the consequences. They love their chess will defend its honor at all costs. Most here are quick to condemn others if they say something that is not agreeable one day, but the next day they will support that very disagreeable opinion if it suits their public image. Hypocrisy abounds amongst many of the users.

But this site is fun. It is fun for chess players of all skills, from all walks of life, to come here and indulge in conversation, as well as games, with fellow chess players from around the world. Much can be learned at this site. It is great place to come if you love chess.

I feel though that this site may be stuck forever in mediocrity. As long as the flash banner ads dont get out of hand, as long as the administrators realize that chess has a life of its own, and attempting to force this positive, sanitary, sunny-day, non-confrontational, "it's my site and I'll run it how I want" community down people's throats is not the way to run a business (unless you're DisneyWorld), it may stand a chance.

This site has come a long way in the last 8 months, but needs to continue to push forward out of mediocrity. It has not yet earned the honor for me to open up my wallet and pay my hard earned semi-worthless American dollar to become a member, but that day may come. I cannot see that day on the horizon, but I have hope.



I dont even see a point in replying to this post, I mean , what good does it do?
get people's attention

children, i order you all to smile and ignore this post!!

blah blah. cheater_0 is just pouting because i won't give him more stage room.

How about creating a forum called "Unwanted Posts" for Cheater_1 and people like him? Laughing
CzarWithinMoons wrote: cheater_1 wrote:

People that had a star or crown by their name (paying members) got away with murder. I saw people get reprimanded for simply talking about other chess sites while the admin turned the other cheek as paying members spouted obscenity after obscenity.


   I'm not sure that that's the correct usage of "turn the other cheek".  It might be more of a "turn a blind eye" scenario.

 lol you couldn't be more correct!


I stand corrected. I am a MAN and I admit my ERRORS. Turn a blind Eye is INDEED the correct usage. I was wrong.

Ahhhh, if only all the others would be so quick to admit their faults, as I do mine, then this site would take one small step out of the quagmire of MEDIOCRITY.

cheater_1 wrote:

Ahhhh, if only all the others would be so quick to admit their faults, as I do mine, then this site would take one small step out of the quagmire of MEDIOCRITY.

 this quagmire of mediocrity became the #1 most visited chess website in the world in less than 12 months.

but i digress... we're terrible, i admit it.(our first step!! i can feel it changing us already....)

why are we even replying? seriously...
CHEATER 1 DON't pICk on UZ tenagers! U R A disgrace to chess.coom and weez r no litle children we r matre peeps whu have opinionz tu and nobudy not evin ERICK can stop[ us!

ok ERIK, as you have done to me COUNTLESS times in my 8 months here, I shall now do to you. PROVE IT! SHow me some stats from a reputable source.  GIve me a link to back up your statement. You have 15 minutes to me some credible evidence to show that this is the most visited chess website in the world. I have CONCRETE evidence to support it is NOT. I eagerly await your PROOF.

THe clock is ticking.....15 minutes.....tic toc tic toc


GONG!!!! GONG!!!! GONG!!!!! 11 minutes remaining.............

I think you've confused those 15 minutes with those of your fame.

check it on or . compare daily visitors with ANY other chess site you want.

Ahhh, Rael always stepping in with those well-timed comments... what would we do without him. Hey, I have an idea! Let's just start talking about Rael in every single one of Cheater_1's threads! All his old ones and every new one that he makes. Trust me on this one.
One time, a kid fell in a pothole and his dog died.
i'm off to enjoy an evening with my wife. i look forward to the reading the egg-on-face reply from cheater_1 in the morning.
That's very tragic, but what does that have to do with Rael? tbierig, I reccommend starting a thread about that topic, in which I may or may not be interested in discussing in further detail. And PLEASE, keep it chess related!
Please dont disrespect RAEL. I need him. He's my number one anti-fan. He is the kindling that I sometimes need when the fire is dying down and I can take it no farther on my own.

Just another one of cheater_1's rants. nothing special bout this one... Once again he has way to much time on his hands.

Cheater is once again hungry for our reactions.