
Our members in Egypt


About Egypt, I have studied Egypt from 5,000 BC onwards. I have a deep interest in human history. Many people do not realise that arithmetic fractions (1/2, 1/3, etc.) derived from ancient taxation systems, employed by the Pharoahs in Egypt. Land holdings were irregular. So to tax land holdings, fractions of regular land holdings were needed.


Now I am horrified by the violent attack on protestors by the Egyptian military. It is reported that over 400 men, women and children were killed, and thousands wounded. It does not matter whether they were on our political side or an opposing political side. They are victims of authoritarian military violence, which 

can never be approved. We have a new Hitler in our midst, which will eliminate . what it does not like. My sympathy goes out to our Egyptian members and their families. I hope they have a better future and soon!


عن مصر، لقد درست مصر من 5،000 قبل الميلاد وما بعده. لدي اهتمام عميق في تاريخ البشرية. كثير من الناس لا يدركون أن الكسور الحسابية (1/2، 1/3، الخ) المستمدة من النظم الضريبية القديمة، التي استخدمها الفراعنة في مصر. وكانت حيازات الأراضي غير النظامية. ذلك لحيازات الأراضي الضرائب، وهناك حاجة إلى كسور من حيازات الأراضي العادية.


الآن أنا بالذهول من جراء هجوم عنيف على المتظاهرين من قبل الجيش المصري. وتفيد التقارير أن أكثر من 400 من الرجال والنساء والأطفال قتلوا، وجرح الآلاف. لا يهم ما إذا كانوا على الجانب السياسي لدينا أو الجانب السياسي المعارض. هم ضحايا العنف العسكري الاستبدادي، الذي

لا يمكن أبدا أن تتم الموافقة عليها. لدينا هتلر جديد في وسطنا، والذي سيقضي. ما لا يحب. تعاطفي يخرج إلى أعضاء المصرية دينا وأسرهم. آمل أن يكون لها مستقبل أفضل وقريبا!







Tentang Mesir, saya telah mempelajari Mesir dari 5.000 SM dan seterusnya. Saya memiliki minat yang mendalam dalam sejarah manusia. Banyak orang tidak menyadari bahwa pecahan aritmatika (1/2, 1/3, dll) yang berasal dari sistem perpajakan kuno, dipekerjakan oleh Fir'aun di Mesir. Kepemilikan tanah yang tidak teratur. Jadi untuk kepemilikan pajak tanah, fraksi kepemilikan tanah biasa yang diperlukan. 


Sekarang saya ngeri dengan serangan kekerasan terhadap demonstran oleh militer Mesir. Hal ini melaporkan bahwa lebih dari 400 pria, wanita dan anak-anak tewas, dan ribuan terluka. Tidak peduli apakah mereka berada di sisi politik kita atau sisi politik lawan. Mereka adalah korban kekerasan militer yang otoriter, yang 

pernah dapat disetujui. Kami memiliki Hitler baru di tengah-tengah kita, yang akan menghilangkan. apa tidak suka. Simpati saya keluar untuk anggota Mesir dan keluarga mereka. Saya berharap mereka memiliki masa depan yang lebih baik dan segera! 



Egyptian army good not bad


Do you really speak all those languages or did you use Google translate?


I doubt that is of any significance ;-)


I am an experienced translator. Do not underestimate me. Yes I use Google Translate, but you need to understand 2 issues.

You have to back-translate because, while  Google is good, it can make horrific errors.

And secondly, you really need to understands the grammar or sentence construction of the language into which you are translating. For example, Chinese Mandarin sentences are constructed based on subject + time, where , how, and the action. So I phrase my standard English sentences into "Chinlish" before  putting them through Google Translate. My approach is very sophisticated. In my Facebook blog, I have over 400 Chinese followers.   

geoffalford wrote:

I am an experienced translator. Do not underestimate me. Yes I use Google Translate, but you need to understand 2 issues.

You have to back-translate because, while  Google is good, it can make horrific errors.

And secondly, you really need to understands the grammar or sentence construction of the language into which you are translating. For example, Chinese Mandarin sentences are constructed based on subject + time, where , how, and the action. So I phrase my standard English sentences into "Chinlish" before  putting them through Google Translate. My approach is very sophisticated. In my Facebook blog, I have over 400 Chinese followers.   

I see...