Simple logic. The opponent’s pinned knight will take your king first before the you can take your opponent’s king. Before you take your opponent’s king, your king is already 💀.
Pinned piece allowing mate

We need to change this rule. If the pinned piece can't move, it is not a threat. This is a dumb rule.

We need to change this rule. If the pinned piece can't move, it is not a threat. This is a dumb rule.
It's not dumb, it is perfectly logical. This has been proven multiple times, in multiple ways, in this topic and in others. Like in the first post above yours.

We need to change this rule. If the pinned piece can't move, it is not a threat. This is a dumb rule.
If you think about checkmate as a position where on the next move, your opponent's king will be captured no matter what, it makes perfect sense.

For the same reason that both players can't checkmate each other simultaneously. The person who would capture the king first wins. Once a king could be captured, the game would be over and there would be no time left to take the other king. Hope that helps!

Someone in this discussion said, that if the king could take the queen, the knight could capture back following the same reasoning (walking into check is allowed in this discussion).
But: while the bishop IS an attacking piece, the knight is not, because it's pinned. So following the same reasoning: the black king might step into an "incapacitated" check, while the white king would step into a real check, if the knight moves.
Therefore I think that argument wouldn't work.
But let's take the argument of who will capture first:
The black king is taken by the knight, before the bishop can take the white king. But since white had the first move, shouldn't the black player be able to get the follow up move, like during penalty shoot-outs at the end of soccer games, or other sports/games. Therefore draw in this case?
I guess those are arguments, why the strongest arguments in this discussion aren't so strong after all and might keep this discussion alive unfortunately.
The real reason might be that there is no logical conclusion, but it was just made the rule to keep it simple. Even though this makes no sense.
No, because follow up moves aren't possible once the game is over. The game can't get that far. The same way a piece capturing another piece can't be recaptured by the piece that was just captured! I think the confusion here stems from checkmate being "different" from a capturing the king's not. Checkmate means the king will be captured next move. The only difference is that a very weak player may unknowingly checkmate the king and then not take it next move, if the rule was capturing. A pinned piece may be unable to move, but that doesn't mean the enemy king could move into a square controlled by the pinned piece, because it would then be immediately captured, game over, before their king could be captured in a follow up move that's there's no time for. Unless black is the last one to move, a chess game will never end in a "full move".
The king still can't take the queen, because it would be in check.
The knight will capture the king first