
"LIVE CHESS" Option in the Play Menu?


I was just wondering if anybody thinks we should have a "Live Chess" option in the Play Menu? I tried to go to the play lounge(s) and I had to look for the message that contained the link. Or go to Erik's page and then clicked the post. (Is there a quicker way?)

Yeah, I think it is a reasonable idea. I think they will add it eventually. I am sure the programmers are quite busy trying to improve the live play feature at the moment.
I go with MattHelfest's idea
I am sure it'll be in there eventually. I am guessing the guys want to keep access to it limited for now; maybe they are a little worried that newcomers would get a bad impression because they would see the feature and not realize it's in an "alpha" stage right now.
i agree but i cant wait because maybe ill run into new styles and learn them and to counter them which will help on my quest to become a GM

yes, it will be there soon!


but the bigger news is this: email chess is coming to you in just 3-4 days! it's done, we're just working out the last few little kinks! 

That's awesome! Can't wait!
Excellent news.  I've often wanted to play email chess before, but not got around to trying it out.  Looks like now could be a good time to start!
I'd also like to point out that you can still play somewhat of a "live" game using the email chess feature. So, just about everyone should be satisfied when this comes out.
How will email chess work? Do you mail your move and they have to move it on a real board or does a chess board get mailed back and forth with updated moves?
I've seen it, though I don't know how much info erik would like me to disclose about it. I think I'll leave it up to him, if he wants to comment. I can at least say it beats anything else i've seen so far. It's really good enough that it could be treated as a play-by-email chess system or a live chess system (for anything other than blitz).

feel free to comment on it :)


you basically just have a chessboard on the screen and make moves on it, and when your opponent moves, you see that too ;) and it has chat, etc. the EMAIL part is just to let you know it is your turn! 

Yeah, it can be used for very slow games where each player has a full day to make his move, or if you want you can just play a normally-timed game. It has a chat, a move list, the ability to flip the board, change the pieces and square colors. It also saves all your games. Theres quite a bit more but I'll let you guys see it for yourselves when it comes out.
that's great I love the option to play correspondence type games on site, play a move now or delay a set number of days. Thanks.