
Pocket Chess Set


  If you ever search online about pocket sets you will usually see an older version of pocket sets leather or something, but now people use a newer version, magnetic. The ones on amazon if you search it, the thing with those is that after you take a piece there will not be a place to put it. But the older ones, there is usually a slot to put it, to me those older ones are more easier to carry around without fallen pieces. Does anyone know why they don't produce those anymore?


I can only guess that with the prevalence of mobile chess apps, individuals lost the need to carry such a set around. However, there is still a company that produces pocket chess sets inspired by such vintage designs.

There pocket chess sets are magnetic and have a magnetic base to put all captured pieces. I have ordered one myself and am awaiting its arrival.


I guess people found magnetic sets to be more practical and the demand for the ones where u stick the pieces in flaps went down. As for magnetic sets, the chessmate ones are the cream of the crop. They have a magnetic backing where you can stick pieces you capture as seen here, when it was being endorsed by Borat.

zembrianator wrote:

I guess people found magnetic sets to be more practical and the demand for the ones where u stick the pieces in flaps went down. As for magnetic sets, the chessmate ones are the cream of the crop. They have a magnetic backing where you can stick pieces you capture as seen here, when it was being endorsed by Borat.




I have a chess wallet that is a reproduction of the chess wallet used by Bobby Fischer. I believe you can still purchase them for around $100.00.

zembrianator wrote:

.... As for magnetic sets, the chessmate ones are the cream of the crop. They have a magnetic backing where you can stick pieces you capture as seen here, when it was being endorsed by Borat.

LOL!  From experience, buy 5 sets hough.  The magnets are weak and get lost al the time or you forget to by presents for birthdays and Christmas.


Thanks maybe I should check those site out.


could probably find some of the older ones on ebay, probably changed the design to save money..... 


Could I trust those sites?