
Power of the Knight


    How powerful can a knight be? Share some revolutionary ideas about the knight.


by definition, the Horse ( as I prefer calling those pieces -- note my user name :>)   is the ONLY piece that is allowed to hop over pieces en route to their destination.   It always travels from one color to the opposite color and is most capable of surprising the most erudite chessplayer by its movements in mixing things up.

Some players are so intimidated by the Horse that their first priority is to exchange their Bishops for them as soon as they can.


Good point.


"Very" powerful, like a boss.


They can be very powerful and intimidating in some positions (secially in closed positions), but I rather refer Bishops! Usually it is considered that Bishops are slightly better than Knights for many obvious reasons in chess although we are all taught that both Knights and Bishops worth three points.. A great recent example of the dominence of the pair of the Bishops over the Knights on an open board is Carlsen vs Nakamura in London Classic! But unlike any other piece, Knights can be very tricky. After all Knights make the game of chess very beautiful and entertaining!


Am I the only one who secretly dies a little inside every time someone calls the Knight a Horse?


I don't see an actual Knight riding the Horse so I would be fine with it called Horse.

1. e4 e5 2. Hf3 Hc6


the knights movements are often hard for newer players to understand, making them more powerful at that level - at the higher levels, bishops are overall prob more potent


Good points all!


Knights make the best forks because they are best for surprise due to their unorthodox way of moving.

DarkCrafter101 wrote:

Knights make the best forks because they are best for surprise due to their unorthodox way of moving.

It's not just the surprise. Knight is the only piece that can attack any other piece, including the queen, without the need of being defended.

Its power is given by its uniqueness.


I sense coded messages.

Maybe you mean the power of a ....


knight ....


Warbringer33 wrote:

Am I the only one who secretly dies a little inside every time someone calls the Knight a Horse?


You shouldn't - in Spanish the word is Caballo which means 'horse'. In Xing Qui, it's still called a horse. In fact, the term 'horse' predates the term 'knight' in chess by a century or more. The earliest variants included horses, elephants, and sometimes camels. 'Knight' didn't come around until the europeans got involved (neither did 'queen')


  Yup, modern chess is considered "MAD QUEENS CHESS"

   Read here:


The knight is harder to trap than other chess pieces, yet perhaps the best at making a fork! A knight without a rider and armour, but the only one able to jump over hurdles...simply invaluable, althoug not able to mate -and I am talking a checkmate and not with another knight or a horse...Wink


good point.

Warbringer33 wrote:

Am I the only one who secretly dies a little inside every time someone calls the Knight a Horse?

Don't worry, it gets worse. I knew someone who called it a "horsey-thing". He didn't last long.


Wait....wHat???!? A knight can jump over pieces? Since when? This changes my whole game!

Chess69em wrote:

Wait....wHat???!? A knight can jump over pieces? Since when? This changes my whole game!

That's hilarious. 

Robert_New_Alekhine wrote:
Warbringer33 wrote:

Am I the only one who secretly dies a little inside every time someone calls the Knight a Horse?

Don't worry, it gets worse. I knew someone who called it a "horsey-thing". He didn't last long.
