
Promoting a pawn, how to denote the new piece


I have just promoted my pawn to a Queen.

Is there a customary way to represent that pawn as a queen to distinguish as such.

I already have my queen on the board, so now I have two.

What should I do to denote the newly promoted pawn.


Turn a rook upside down (usually there is a captured rook around).

You can even turn a pawn on its side and replace that with something more sensible when available.


Sac the queen you've got? Or my favorite, steal my opponent's queen.


do you mean to differentiate between them when both could go to the same spot?

you just put the letter or number coodinates, or both as needed to differentiate.

just the same as any other situation with knights, bishops, or rooks


Thanks for all of the input.

We decided to take two pawns and use them together to represent the promoted pawn to queen.

It seemed appropriate since the pawn got promoted.


Isn't this why most decent chess sets come with two queens?


The "So you won't resign eh?" set comes with 18 queens.