
Resignation or draw? What do you think?

sAviOrOSL wrote:

um... wat was that vous abousez?

Fred Flintstone always used to say "J'adoubee, doubee doo" when he was merely adjusting hs pieces.  Vous adoubez means you adjust (syllepsis: without the customary pre-requisite of a "J'adoube" notification - therefore you have to move that piece). 


Fred Flinstone was an American.  in his nature.  and accent.


 Grits is ground corn , eaten as a hot cereal. Most Southerners add stuff to their grits, like salt, pepper, cheese, butter .......some of these or all of these. Its a staple in the US Southeast, at least it was when I was growing up. If you have ever eaten hot oatmeal just imagine corn like this and you have an idea of grits. I have never tried chitlins myself, having smelled them cooking makes that impossible for me. I have eaten various game meat though, including barbecued raccoon. I used to hunt them all the time years ago.....

Reb, are you serious?  I loved hunting 'coons with my dog when I was growing up.  At about eleven I got a real serious dislike for wastefullness, and attempted to eat a fairly young 'coon.  I cooked that thing for about three hours, pouring out the fat about every ten minutes so it wouldn't run over onto the stove. 

It was inedible.  Even my dad, who is--I mean was--a human trash disposal couldn't eat more than a bite.

How did you barbecue it, and did you really eat it?


There are several ways to barbecue racoons on line. One notes to carefully remove the lymphnones. Yum...

Roadkill... It's not just for breakfast anymore!