


Hello, may I ask whether chess programs like fritz 15 and chessbase14 can go to a computer with AMD processor

SamuilGeorgiev wrote:

Hello, may I ask whether chess programs like fritz 15 and chessbase14 can go to a computer with AMD processor


Yes, they can. 


I've exported 10,000 games annotated with evaluation score using Analysis Engine feature of SCID. Now I want to apply Linear Regression over a move's evaluation score, result of the game and the move winning score. The last one is the percentage of games won when the move is played. This information comes from the Tree window feature of SCID. Now what I want is to automate this for every move for each game that is I want to create a text file that contains the evaluation score for each move followed by a space, then the winning score of the move followed by another space and then the result of the game. I've read the documentation of SCIDvsPC (using that at the moment) and in its [programmer's reference][1], Tcl is mentioned. Since I'm new to this, can anyone guide me how can I automate this method of extracting move tree and the winning score of all of the played moves from it? I think [`sc_tree`][2] is the thing I'm finding but I dont know how to put this is in the script. Actually I dont know how do I proceed with getting started with the scipt. I had a networking course on tcl language in my last semester so I have some basic knowledge from some other field. Any links to learning anything new would also do. Suggestion would really help me. If you have time please go through the hyperlinks once as I think you may get the hint of what I should do if you have any knowledge about these stuff.



 I may have found the answer to my  question. This from the online help file. "Games with no result do not contribute to the percentage drawn, but as half-won/half-loss."


Can someone explain how to read the information in the tree window? Compare the Score % with the graphs for moves 1 & 3. I don't understand. Move 3 has a higher score yet the graph appears to have let white. I was thinking the white = wins for white, grey = draws and black = wins for black. I also thought the Score % was success for white.



Your basically right, but the Score % is a combination of 1 point for each White win and 1/2 point for each draw. Move 3 has fewer wins than 1, but has very little losses. Since x + .5y = Score, where x is % wins by white and y is % draws, then for move 3:  x = Score - .5y x = 54.4 - (.5)x74, x = 17.4 (round to 17 since draws are only given in whole percents) so White wins 17% of games and since 100 - 74 - 17 = 9, then 9% of move 3 games are lost by White.

For move 1. x = 51.7 - (.5)x34 = 34.7%, so white wins 35% of the time, draws 34% of the time, and loses 31% of the time.


Thanks MickinMD. I will look at the ratings a little differently from now on. The graph itself is of more value to me than the score.


Yes and the free download chessbase reader can do the conversion from chessbase to pgn.


Scid vs PC 4.18 is out


(The OS X version requires El Capitan... does it work on Sierra, High Sierra ?)



ScidvsMac Vers. 4.18 don't work on my IMac with macOS Sierra. Only start till the Welcomescreen and then ends.

stevenaaus wrote:

Scid vs PC 4.18 is out


(The OS X version requires El Capitan... does it work on Sierra, High Sierra ?)


Thanks I downloaded and installed on my desktop. Unfortunately due to an unrelated issue my desktop computer is crashing. I think it's the power supply, So I'll put it here on my laptop. I haven't seen what are the improvements?

doxob wrote:

ScidvsMac Vers. 4.18 don't work on my IMac with macOS Sierra. Only start till the Welcomescreen and then ends.

It works for some people i'm told. Try removing $HOME/.scidvspc

I will post info when i get an Sierra to try out.


Removing $HOME/.scidvspc helps. But when I change the Language to German the next try fails the same way as before. I think that changing the configuration leads to break down.



Does anyone know which is the best way to update Scid vs PC in Windows? Somehow I always end up with installation troubles: doubled folders, errors... and having to uninstall all versions, reinstall the new one and set up my configuration all over again... :-S


I'm using Windows 7, and if I opt to have the Startup Window and/or Tip of the Day Window - they appear minimised. The only way I can see them is to set them to Maximise from the Task Bar. I've just installed the latest version of SCID (4.18) but it still exhibits the same behaviour.

Thanks to anyone who can suggest a solution (I've de-opted them for now).

Salterton wrote:

I'm using Windows 7, and if I opt to have the Startup Window and/or Tip of the Day Window - they appear minimised. The only way I can see them is to set them to Maximise from the Task Bar. I've just installed the latest version of SCID (4.18) but it still exhibits the same behaviour.

Thanks to anyone who can suggest a solution (I've de-opted them for now).

I figured that is the way they designed it. The information is suited to scroll in that smaller window for a quick check and then close it. Or if you want to examine it closer maximize. I do not know of a way to over ride that. 


Thanks for the reply, but unfortunately my post wasn't as clear as it could have been.

The issue I have is that the smaller windows don't appear at all, other than as Task Bar icons. If I hover over the icons I see a small thumbnail, but clicking on them doesn't make the window appear on the screen -  I need to right click on the Task Bar icon and choose the maximise option to see them. (Once they appear I can't then shrink them down to a smaller size.)


Oh that is strange.

Salterton wrote:

I'm using Windows 7, and if I opt to have the Startup Window and/or Tip of the Day Window - they appear minimised. The only way I can see them is to set them to Maximise from the Task Bar. I've just installed the latest version of SCID (4.18) but it still exhibits the same behaviour.

Thanks to anyone who can suggest a solution (I've de-opted them for now).

Yeah... that's a funny bug somewhere in Tcl and your Windows WM.. Our code there is pretty vanilla AFAICS. Find this code in scid.gui,

if {! [winfo exists .tipsWin]} {
toplevel $w
wm withdraw $w

and mess around with it. Remove the withdraw line.. add

  wm transient $w .

or Press the "reveal" button in the button bar. Not a big bug though.


PS , I had a version of macOS Sierra 10.12.5 here all along! Works ok for me happy.png


steven wrote:

PS , I had a version of macOS Sierra 10.12.5 here all along! Works ok for me happy.png

A "fresh" (.scidvspc deleted or realy fresh) ScidvsPC works ok on  my MAC  with macOS Sierra 10.12.5 - but one single Change in the Option leads to break down on the next start after the Welcome screen.

stevenaaus wrote:

Yeah... that's a funny bug somewhere in Tcl and your Windows WM.. Our code there is pretty vanilla AFAICS. Find this code in scid.gui,

if {! [winfo exists .tipsWin]} {
toplevel $w
wm withdraw $w

and mess around with it. Remove the withdraw line.. add

  wm transient $w .

or Press the "reveal" button in the button bar. Not a big bug though.


PS , I had a version of macOS Sierra 10.12.5 here all along! Works ok for me

Thanks for taking the time to reply - like you say it's not a big bug.

I'm not a coder but thought I'd poke about out of curiosity. happy.png

Removing the withdraw line didn't change the behaviour. Adding ' wm transient $w .' resulted in the window not appearing (or maybe appearing so briefly I can't notice it).

I don't find a 'reveal' button - but I tried the 'Raise Windows' button which didn't seem to do anything.

wm attributes $w -fullscreen 1            This displays the window fullscreen, and it stays up till I close it. There doesn't seem to be an attribute to set a particular window size.

Thanks again.