
so chess related


theoretically, if you can apply just over 1 pound of force to one strand of hair on your head before the hair breaks or gets uprooted, then i believe if distributed properly, that anywhere between 100,000 to 180,000 lbs of force need be applied to tear out all your hair. THAT'S SUPPORTING THE WEIGHT OF ONE OR TWO CEMENT TRUCKS OR THREE OR FOUR ROSIE O'DONNELS!!!that being said, i think there should be a membership option for this site between silver and gold.


Excellent Logic

I know that your head would pull off with considerably less force! Mwahahaha!
reassessingmychess wrote:

Excellent Logic

 thanks! unless ur bein sarcastic in which case thanks!

Ray_Brooks wrote: I know that your head would pull off with considerably less force! Mwahahaha!

 i'm gonna have to test this or send the topic to the show mythbusters. the latter bein the better option.

Yeah, do it, it would be a good one for mythbusters.  I love that show.  And there should be like a 6 months option inbetween silver and gold.
Vulpoon wrote: Yeah, do it, it would be a good one for mythbusters.  I love that show.  And there should be like a 6 months option inbetween silver and gold.

 my idea has been submitted on the mythbusters forum, i'll let ya know if they get back to me. 

6 months would be good :) 

timmaylivinalie wrote:

theoretically, if you can apply just over 1 pound of force to one strand of hair on your head before the hair breaks or gets uprooted, then i believe if distributed properly, that anywhere between 100,000 to 180,000 lbs of force need be applied to tear out all your hair. THAT'S SUPPORTING THE WEIGHT OF ONE OR TWO CEMENT TRUCKS OR THREE OR FOUR ROSIE O'DONNELS!!!that being said, i think there should be a membership option for this site between silver and gold.

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