
Statistics on bigamy



gives some statistics on promotion. Back in 2006, Chessbase had 3 200 000 games.

Their statistics is presented as:

1,5 % games included a promotion - i. e. about 48 000

1,8 % of these were knight underpromotions - i. e. about 860

1,1 % of promotions were rook underpromotions - i. e. about 530

0,2 % of promotions were bishop underpromotions - i. e. about 100.

But about the missing statistics...

Roughly how many queen promotions were bigamous, involving two queens on the same side?

How many underpromotions to knight, rook or bishop included a player having three pieces of the same type?


Maybe they're queens from other countries helping the king, so therefore no bigamy?


For two queens of the same color positions, you may want to also filter out games where one of the queens was captured very soon after promotion.