
Sun Tzu: The art of ... Chess?


"The art of War" is a Chinese book, by Sun Tzu, a Chinese general, dated back in the 4th century B.C., that deals with war strategy. Do professional chess players use it?


This is a joke right :D?


Dunno, depends on what answers we get :D


the strategies of Sun Tzu are over two thousand years old.expansions and subsequent commentaries by eleven military leaders have been added up to the twelfth century ce.'The Art of War' is used widely in asia today in politics and business and is compulsary reading for wall street traders.

its philosophies can apply to the individual or a corporate entity.

it would also have many applications towards chess.


One particular thing that made a great impression on me is that "Warriors of the past first tried to minimize the possiblility of defeat and then thought about the possibility of victory". Reminds me of Petrosian's style and the concept of prophylactic moves.


while some maxims would not apply to chess there are many that would.the chapter on 'planning a seige' has many.

Ho Yanxi- the best policy is to use strategy,influence,and the trend of events to cause the adversary to submit willingly.

Li Quan - overcome your opponent by calculation

Wang Xi -in military operations ,what is valued is foiling your opponents strategy,not pitched battle.

there are many more.


Hey, maybe that would be worth trying. I have read the Art of War and oh boy I liked it! But try to play chess according to the Art of War and see what happens. To be very honest, I wouldn't be surprised if it could be used in Chess as well as in battle.. well, almost as well. Japanese business men use Miyamoto Musashi's very old strategy book in their businesses, and the book was written by the best known Japanese sword fighter.


 it would be inadvisable to play chess according to every maxim in 'The Art..'. as i have already stated some are apt but it would be ridiculous to try to play chess in line with 'it is best to win without fighting',meaning in chess no exchange of pieces is to be considered.


Yes! It really sounds a bit desperate try. :) Of course not with everything mentioned  in the book, but the ideas which can be transposed to fit into the chess with some logic.

I didn't mean we should for example get back when the enemy is in problems so that he wouldn't get the chance to the desperate fight. ;)