
Takeback Request Option


Sounds like a whole lot of trouble to me :0(


I have played on other sites where takebacks are allowed. This option is often abused by trolls and no-lifers, especially in time-scrambles.  One of the best features of to me was no takebacks. I've lost many games because of mouse slips here. Thats a price i'm very happy to keep paying.


Am currenly on instantchess, which allows the take-back. My opponent rated 100 points higher than myself just hung a rook about 7-8 minutes ago. Of course he asks for a take-back, which i refused. Now instead of resigning, he is watching his clock run out. it is still going, btw. He is all mad about a take-back, which shouldnt even be an option. Shouldnt even be a part of the game. Now i gotta sit here and watch a stupid clock when I coulda fit 4 more games into that time. Takebacks ftl

will be so glad when they finally fix so I can log back on to it.


I like the idea but I would only grant the takeback for obvoius mouseslips... for example you accidentally move your king a space instead of castling.


I see why you would want it but I don't slip often enough to want to make a takeback option.  just suck it up and accept the mistake in my opinion.


It is hard to judge when or if you should grant a take back. For example you can have a very hard fought game by both sides where the game is complicated and in the balance as you both have attacks.  Then, maybe in a little time trouble, your opponent places a queen where it can be taken by a knight which will win for you.  Should you grant a take back?  No, as the pressure you put on him very probably resulted in the error.

Much easier just not to give any takebacks and to not even ask for a takeback yourself...


I think it is a wash in the end. I have won because of it but I have also lost games in this manner. When I have a mouse slip I just resign. I don't think we should be asking for takebacks.



I agree with Gerry. That would be the one mistake could make that would send me to a different site.


NO, i feel that in chess as in life you have to live with the consequences of your blunders. 


many folks in society have it pretty easy and can manipulate various situations they deal with. while other folks who aren't as fortunate through no fault of there own have to suck it up and take what ever life has to offer. 

the problem with the tak back request is that pople like yourslef and the person i used to be won't be allowed a take back by the same type of person you grant one too.  they will just snicker and give u their version of F.U.  


Good idea if your mouse drops the piece on the wrong square, which has happened to me many times and cost me matches.


If you change your settings you won't lose games due to mouse slips. 

Hover over Home > My Account > Online Chess Settings

Scroll down to "Move Preferences", and check "I will click the SUBMIT button to confirm my move."


Lol try doing that during 2 minute game.Cool


takebacks lolYell


Who was it that said if a person requests to take back a move, they'll be the kind of person that would pick your pockets?? Anyhow, even mouse slips can't explain a bad move because you still have to press the submit move button.


What a bunch of stuck ups here. I have had many games where my opponent simply went to trade pieces and their piece landed right next to the piece they intended to capture. If it was obvious I offered a draw.

Saying that someone is "childish" for wanting a take back in such situations shows a real lack of chacter.

And, if two people agree to a take back rule (that you can disable) and you have to have problem with that, you are not just be childish yourself, you're acting like a spoiled brat!


No i don't think so. a mouse slip maybe but you can never tell. I wouldn't request one, but if i was completly winning i might grant one

varelse1 wrote:

I have played on other sites where takebacks are allowed. This option is often abused by trolls and no-lifers, especially in time-scrambles.  One of the best features of to me was no takebacks. I've lost many games because of mouse slips here. Thats a price i'm very happy to keep paying.

yes i agree


No takeback, I prefer tournament rules. If it ain't in the book it ain't chess, its just a mess. 


DrFrank124c wrote:

No takeback, I prefer tournament rules. If it ain't in the book it ain't chess, its just a mess. 

So, your your preferences are more important than others?

ChessPlayer6033 wrote:

No i don't think so. a mouse slip maybe but you can never tell. I wouldn't request one, but if i was completly winning i might grant one

Yes, you can never tell: