
The Winning Mentality


I've found out a psychological trick to help get over tilt. 

Pepega_Maximum wrote:

I've found out a psychological trick to help get over tilt. 

Well...what is it?

Pepega_Maximum wrote:

Be positive and take a break. Don't force yourself to deal with it. Just wait until it gets better.

I already do this too. If you don't feel like you can play your "A Game", then you are better off stopping and coming back another time. Chess takes a lot of focus and if you are not at your "A+ game", then it is best to take a break.

DamonevicSmithlov wrote:

What's tilt? 

"Tilt" is a term from the card game Poker (at least Texas Hold'em Poker that is). "Tilt" is when a player has a bad hand/series of hands/bad break in general and consequently then plays the following hands more aggressively in an attempt to "recover" from the lost plus more gain. If it sounds self-destructive, it is because it is. When a player "goes on tilt" then the other opponents can usually take advantage of it if it is noticed (hence why pro poker players seldom ever tilt). The parallel to chess here is to not try and overplay the next games in a raged attempt to recover from past games. It is sometimes difficult, but a good chess players needs to clear the mind of past losses if they want to begin winning again. 

"Tilt" is not a chess term, but one can certainly apply it to chess. I know a lot of bullet/blitz players who "go on tilt" and it usually has just as negative of an impact on your chess game as it may in Poker.


Oh, so that's what tilt is.


But Normie's always tilting