Looks like a game involving more diplomacy than cold logic.
THREE player chess board?!

Looks like a game involving more diplomacy than cold logic.
Agreed, now 2 on 2 team chess would be an interesting enterprise.

hmmmm...only if they could discuss each move as a team. I remember with "Magnus vs. the World" when, with 3 masters all with generally different approaches, Susan Polgar explained it best as "too many cooks in the kitchen" creating confusion. I totally agreed.

I got a Chess4 set a while back and tried playing in teams ... let's just say I didn't find as much fun as regular chess.
To accomodate four armies, the board becomes so big that bishops, queens, and rooks overpower the other pieces. And there are so many threats on the board at once that it's very hard to evaluate.
It does make for an insane game though.

The way I understand that 4 player game, you can either play partners or 4 different opponents. You can play it so that if you checkmate one of your opponents, his pieces then become your pieces and you can move them as yours.
I admit I've never seen the 3 player version before, but I imagine it could be played the same way.

I guess it's good if you want a change from straight chess or if 3 or 4 people want to be in on the same game instead of separate.

You can try it here: 3 player chess - multiplayer and free online three player chess variant.

If you have a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Tablet or Smartphone, you can play TRIAD-CHESS and free online player chess variant

Apple iPhone/iPod Touch “Free”

I have played both four- and three-player chess before, and must admit that I found four-player to be much more fun. In three-player chess, the pieces are forced to move at strange angles as they hit the middle of the board. The gameplay is changed enough that it hardly resembles real chess.
In four-player, however, the game is filled with a unique strategy that is part Chess and part Risk. You must convince others to help you, or at least not hurt you. Only the best diplomats can win at four-player, and it is truly interesting to see alliances form and break. Also, if you play with the same group of people over and over, a solid reputation is as good as a won game. The strategy to this game is simply endless...

I have played both four- and three-player chess before, and must admit that I found four-player to be much more fun. In three-player chess, the pieces are forced to move at strange angles as they hit the middle of the board. The gameplay is changed enough that it hardly resembles real chess.
In four-player, however, the game is filled with a unique strategy that is part Chess and part Risk. You must convince others to help you, or at least not hurt you. Only the best diplomats can win at four-player, and it is truly interesting to see alliances form and break. Also, if you play with the same group of people over and over, a solid reputation is as good as a won game. The strategy to this game is simply endless...
you're right ChessisGood about the chess game with three players (ThreeChess, 3 Man Chess, TriChess, etc.), but you've never tried the TRIAD-CHESS.
- The directions of pieces are continuous without angle
- The rules are identical to the traditional rules of the chess game
try and see...

P.S. : Sorry for my bad english
Apple iPhone/iPod Touch “Free”

Ah... you have a demo here

your game is very cool... congratulation !
Do you sell wooden game ?
Thank you SE7EN,
It is expected but not right away, it will be sold only at the site of the TRIAD-CHESS
Apple iPhone/iPod Touch “Free”

your game is very cool... congratulation !
Do you sell wooden game ?
Thank you SE7EN,
It is expected but not right away, it will be sold only at the site of the TRIAD-CHESS
Thank you very much TRIAD-CH3SS
OK, I'm pretty new to chess, so never heard of this. When I went onto ebay to check out chess boards, I saw this. The only thing I can think of when I look at it, thinking of what it takes to master a TWO-player game, is "How hard THIS must be!" lol