
Ubuntu + virtualbox + chessbase 11


I'm running Linux Ubuntu 3.10 on my laptop. I have installed Windows 7 by the help of Virtualbox. When I am trying to install chessbase 11, I get the error code: 2753.

Any ideas what to do?


I installed W7 64 bit.

It suddenly worked when I allocated 4 GB instead of 2 GB. I don't know the reason for this but now every thing works. Only windows is a bit slow. I wish chessbase had a version for Linux.

Anyhow, thank you for your reply.


I am running Ubuntu 22.10LTS on my laptop . I am using chessbase 12 and mega database 2019 Houdini 3 on Ubuntu. So you need install chessbase via Wine emulator. Also you can install Deep Shredder 13. and Hiarcs Chess Explorer 14 without no problem. Deep Shredder there is Linux version too.