
Updated FIDE Ratings!


Hello glorious community and chess players, it's time we updated the current boring FIDE rating titles with new ones and make chess great again for all players not just the top!  Cool All changes are effective immediately! Laughing 

Percentile - Title Rank - Rating

1.0 - (God) - 
.999999 - (
T-1000) - 3000+
.99999 - (Magnus Carlsen) - 2800+
.9999 - (Grandmaster) - 2600+
.999 - (International Master)- 2400+ 
.99 - (Master) - 2200+
.9  - (Sapphire) - 2000+
.8 - (Diamond) - 1800+
.7 - (Platinum) - 1600+
.6 - (Gold) - 1400+
.5 - (Silver) - 1200+
.4 - (Bronze) - 1000+
.3 - (Copper) - 800+
.2 - (Wood) - 600+
.1 - (Dirt) - 400+
.01 - (Loose Rock) - 200+
0/0+ - (Brimstone) - 0-199