
USCF Quick Game Question


Awhile back I was playing a rated USCF 15-minute game and my opponent placed his King in check and hit his clock.  I told him it was an illegal move however he did not take the move back.  What is the proper way to proceed?  Thanks.


Stop the clocks and call the TD over. 


Same as USCF Regular (This isn't the World Blitz Association where you can capture the King).  You stop the clocks, inform your opponent that you are getting a TD (which I'd do as I'm stopping the clocks, not after, so he doesn't try to claim you resigned by stopping the clocks), retrieve the TD, claim illegal move, which if it is, then you are rewarded 2 extra minutes on your clock (even if it puts you over 15 minutes - If you had 13:47 when he violated, you now have 15:47).

In addition, if he or she makes an illegal move, and that player has a legal move with the piece he made the illegal move, because of the touch move rule, he must move that piece.  So if you go Rd8+, White's King on d1, nothing protecting any of the squares on the d-file except the King covering d2, and a White Queen is on c4, and White tried to play 1.Qh4+ (assuming it would have been check), and Black makes this claim, White has 3 legal moves with the Queen, Qd3, Qd4, and Qd5.  All of them are stupid, and outright drop the Queen, but White must play one of those moves as he touched the Queen when he made the illegal move.

If there is no "legal" way out of check via moving the touched piece, then White may move any piece, but Black is still rewarded the 2 minutes.

Hope this clarifies.


Thanks for the info!

In the game we were both in time trouble when this happened and we just continued to play and i won on time.  Good to know the proper way to have handled this situation.


How do you continue a game when his king is in check and he refused to take it back?


I didn't take the king and kept moving while I was telling him your King is in check and eventually he listened to me and moved it out of check.  We were blitzing the moves as we were both in time trouble. 


The 2 minute time adjustment would only occur if you have less than five minutes in a Sudden Death time control. USCF Rules 11D, 11D1, 11J, 16D and 16D1. Which it sounds like was the case. But you would have to stop the clocks and call the TD for any adjustments. As the TD is not to call attention to any illegal moves if either player has less than 5 minutes on their clock.

Best thing any player can do is buy the USCF rulebook and read it. Dollar for dollar it is probably some of the best money you can spend on your chess game. It might even save you from losing a game or two.


I wonder if your opponent refuses to move the king in check if you can simly take the king and claim victory???? Here's another question, why are the USCF rules not free for everyone to read???