
What are the FIDE time controls ? ? ?


Blitz - ?

Rapid - ?

Classic - ?


Blitz, 10 or less minutes.

Rapid, under 60 but more than 10.

I don't think FIDE formally defines that.


It's all in the FIDE Handbook:

B.01. International Title Regulations (Qualification Commission) contains the time control regulations for tournaments granting titles and norms.

B.02. FIDE Rating Regulations (Qualification Commission) contains the time control regulations for FIDE rated tournaments.

C.07. Time Control contains information on the time control used for major FIDE events. 

E.01. Laws of Chess contains information on rapid and blitz games.


But 30+30 is classical. Rapid is 30-45 minutes each player with a 10 sec inc at a max. Standard is alteast 30 minutes+ 30 sec increment or two hours each Straight finish and increment after 40 moves(Or right from the start) Blitz is 3+2, 5+2,5+5,5+3 Normally Most fide time controls have increments except some exceptional cases.



Martin_Stahl wrote:

Blitz, 10 or less minutes.

Rapid, under 60 but more than 10.

I don't think FIDE formally defines that.


I forgot to include that the time includes increments. So, base time + 60 * increment equals one of the time ranges above.


RAPID: 15 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move, starting from move 1.

BLITZ: 3 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move, starting from move 1.