
What is chess?


Chess is the abillity to use all methods of postional tactics into play.

 Chess is life-Bobby Ficher

Chess is the high you get from a mental rush.

Chess is like a drug for when your not playing he can feel the pain sweep through your body

 Chess is a game

Chess is more than a game

Chess is the representaion of life to the fullest extent

Chess is the creative genious behind all great thinkers

Chess is the abillity to match your wits in a psychologically challenging enviroment that pits you against your opposition.

chess is about winning

chess isn't about winning

Chess is simply just Chess.

 A hobby

A sport

A board game

 What is chess to you???

A Game ! simple as that, i just happen to like playing it....Cool
Life in microcosm..obsession...little pieces moving...
A hobby i spend maybe an hour a day at. However,like crossword puzzles, it does keep the mind active. Chess is like your own personal war without the bloodshed. Chess is like math,music,football game(tactics). It has a set of rules everyone agrees on, a beginning,middle and end(like life).

n.   A board game for two players, each beginning with 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king.


13c., from O.Fr. esches pl. of eschec (see check), from the key move of the game. The original word for "chess" is Skt. chaturanga "four members of an army" -- elephants, horses, chariots, foot soldiers. This is preserved in Sp. ajedrez, from Arabic (al) shat-ranj, from Pers. chatrang, from the Skt. word.


"The chess pieces are the block alphabet which shapes thoughts; and these thoughts, although making a visual design on the chessboard, express their beauty abstractly, like a poem." [Marcel Duchamp]


A board game for two players, each beginning with 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king.

-- And sometimes a lot more than that

Chess is a game with aspects of a sport, a science, and an art.
Chess is the only four letter word with five letters that I know of.
Chess is a very tactful game!

"Chess is the only four letter word with five letters that I know of."




Complex board game

Chess is the reflection of a contemporary generation. As the society advances, chess also advances as the mirror of that society. Whatever ethical factors that are considerable, chess has it all recorded from the oldest generation to the latest generation.
Chess is a GAME 🤔
What is chess? IDK.

A game for nerds.


An art.


Chess is joy of creating.


a game where you can read car magazines online while waiting for your opponent to move

“Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturitions are to me.”

Es la oportunidad perfecta para charlar usando solo 2 palabras !!!Jaque Mate!!!