
What is the differences between Missed Win and Blunder?


In my game,, 26th move for black (my opponent), it is considered a missed win. However, the balance went from -2.9 to +M3 right after that move.
In definition, a "Missed Win" is "a move was missed that would have won material or the game", and a "Blunder" is "a very bad move that could lose material or end the game".
In this case, that move was "missed win" a pawn, but blunder and lose the game. How consider a move is "Missed Win" or "Blunder"?

Link doesn’t work for me…
However, that is strange. Can you post the PGN?
AunTheKnight wrote:
However, that is strange. Can you post the PGN?

I updated the link. Hope you can see it now.


i think a blunder loses you material or the game but a missed win is missing gaining material or missing a checkmate

Man… that is strange. Just consider a ‘missed win’ as a blunder, I guess.
Did you look at the game, @SucramJman?

good point maybe if there a missed piece that could be taken i guess it priotizes



A missed win is when you lose a checkmate chance or lose material, and blunder is when you lose a piece for nothing.


A missed win (?) turns a won position back to a drawn position.
A blunder (??) turns a won position into a lost position.

Just stumbled across your post looking for the definition of a missed win. I guess the missed win, in this case Qxb6, is prioritized because it would have prevented the blunder?
tdkduong wrote:

In my game,, 26th move for black (my opponent), it is considered a missed win. However, the balance went from -2.9 to +M3 right after that move.
In definition, a "Missed Win" is "a move was missed that would have won material or the game", and a "Blunder" is "a very bad move that could lose material or end the game".
In this case, that move was "missed win" a pawn, but blunder and lose the game. How consider a move is "Missed Win" or "Blunder"?


On my end, it says a blunder.


A pity my message did not reach you in time.


I just had a similar thing happen to me in game
White queen H5 would have been a mate - but my move of exf6 is classified as a Blunder, and not as a Missed Win.
Not a real issue, but slightly confusing happy.png

tygxc wrote:

A missed win (?) turns a won position back to a drawn position.
A blunder (??) turns a won position into a lost position.

No a blunder turns a drawing position (maximum +2 minumum -2) into a losing position (if you're with white then it would be at least 4 for Black) whereas a missed win is just missing a forced checkmate or a tactic that would have gotten you a lost position into a draw or a draw into a win. Interesting fact, when it's forced checkmate for white/black and you throw and the other colour has forced checkmate in consequence, it gives you a missed win which means it's really based on missing a forced checkmate pattern.