
What separates 2300 from 2100 Rapid players?


In terms of tactics, awareness, positional understanding, what are the main differences between how these groups think?

I am trying to get 2300 Rapid before I consider playing OTB chess, and my goal is be an CM/NM one day. Curious what people's experiences are.


What separates a 1900 rapid from 2100 rapid? If you know the answer, then it should be fairly simple for you to guess how a 2300 is better. Also don't forget that there's a lot of cheaters in this range, so don't be disappointed if you can't get to 2300.

I wish I waited before playing OTB

2300's blunder less


#4 why, what happened?

QingChongPingPong wrote:

In terms of tactics, awareness, positional understanding, what are the main differences between how these groups think

I think of a 200-point difference as roughly comparable to 200 centipawns of playing advantage.

So by the time the endgame has come around, the 2300 has probably built around a +2 eval advantage, or more, over the 2100 ...

I'd say this comes from the 2300 understanding each phase (opening, middle, end) just a tad bit more.


The theory that two players of the same rating X are carbon copies of each other is as absurd as it is unfortunately popular.

Especially here on its absolutely nothing special to have 200 points of difference. Could be the exact same person. Just in one case after a sequence of unlucky losses and in the other after a sequence of lucky wins.

With traditional Fide ELO its different because thats much more stable. But even then one of them can be a strong positional and the other a strong tactical player, with a completely different set of strengths in their play.

#6 Started playing OTB when I was like 1500 online and it left me with 2 ratings below 1500 fide after the rating changes. I am sure I am well above that in playing strenght considering my recent OTB performances.