
what’s the average IQ of a regular chess player

Title please help
Btw Magnus Carlsons IQ is 190


But a normal persons IQ is 150 ?

Normal is 100. 150 is genius.


Like in the nineties. Very average.

Maybe 110 IQ

Between 30 and 70


-%40 of my IQ


100 is the average IQ (statistical median).

People of all levels of intelligence over probably 90, or 85 is pushing it, play chess.

Not only smart people play chess, but also average people. However, people of very low intelligence are unlikely to play chess.

This is proven by a site I found with visual representations of IQ and chess players around the world, and low IQ countries (mostly in the continent of Africa) have few to no chess players, while high IQ countries (mostly Europe and Asia) have the highest number of professional chess players, proving that very low IQ people do not really play chess, and understandably so - they cannot.

So if you consider that out of all intelligences, the people on the higher end do play but the people on the lower end do not, then the statistical median IQ of all chess players will be over 100, not at or under it.

But since 70% of people fall in or near the "average" range for IQ (85 to 115):

"A score of 100 is considered the average IQ. Sixty-eight percent of scores fall within one standard deviation of the mean (that is, between 85 and 115). This means that about 70% of all people score within plus or minus 15 points of the average score."

Then it follows that, including very high IQ people who probably play chess, but make up much less of the population (as little as 15% above 115 all the way to the top), that the average IQ of chess players, which includes the top IQs but does not include the bottom IQs, will likely fall somewhere above 100 but not too far above 100.

Additionally, less people below 100 (85 to 100) are likely to be chess players, based on several factors: the nature of the game, being intellectual; cultural expectations (causing lower intelligence people to have less or even negative social pressure toward playing chess); and the nature of the human reward system. Since low intelligence people (under 100 IQ) are likely to lose more often at chess, then they are likely to have less motivation to continue playing chess. And because it is harder for them to play intellectual games, they are more likely to do other activities that do not require as much mental effort.

Therefore a good estimate would be a statistical median of the IQ of all chess players would likely fall somewhere around 108 to 115, give or take. Remember this includes the majority of people who are of an average intelligence close to 100, which skews the number toward the lower end of intelligence above 100, rather than the higher end.

Meanwhile if you were to gather the median of the top 100 players in the world, it might be a lot higher. But regular players do not have to have a super high intelligence, just discipline, desire, and motivation. As long as a person is at least about average intelligence (at or very close to 100), then they have the capacity to become good at chess, and even become a world-class chess player with enough work; although, maybe not #1 in the entire world, although it is possible for someone of average intelligence, although it wouldn't be easy.



    The average IQ is 100, so the IQ of the average chess player is close to that. As chess has the reputation of being an intellectual game it likely has greater appeal to those with higher intelligence, so I'd guess around 110.


I am 100


I answered 23/25 and left blank 2 of them. Results show that all of my answers were correct. And scoretable points out that myIQ>=139

*according to Raven's Progressive Matrices method.

Well, since I'm "currently" rated as an average chess player. that means either all regular players have 140 IQ or I have +40% IQ than a regular person (100 IQ) as an average chess player.

*citation needed

Thanks guys

It is difficult to determine an "average IQ" for chess players, as intelligence is a complex and multifaceted trait that cannot be fully captured by a single number such as an IQ score. Additionally, there is no clear correlation between IQ and chess ability. That being said, it is often claimed that the average IQ of chess players is higher than that of the general population. This claim is based on various studies that have found a correlation between IQ and chess skill. However, it's important to note that correlation does not necessarily imply causation, and there are many factors that can influence both IQ and chess ability. Furthermore, there is a wide range of IQ scores among chess players, just as there is in the general population. Some chess players may have exceptionally high IQs, while others may have average or below-average IQs. In summary, while there may be a correlation between IQ and chess skill, it is not accurate or meaningful to try to determine an average IQ for chess players

thegamerl wrote:
Title please help
Btw Magnus Carlsons IQ is 190

Nope. He’s never taken a test. Estimates based on his chess skill are rooted in questionable assumptions—essentially estimates of other players’ IQs based on the same assumptions. If you are smart, chances are you don’t play much chess.

Average chess player IQ is 95.

3harath wrote:

It is difficult to determine an "average IQ" for chess players, as intelligence is a complex and multifaceted trait that cannot be fully captured by a single number such as an IQ score. Additionally, there is no clear correlation between IQ and chess ability. That being said, it is often claimed that the average IQ of chess players is higher than that of the general population. This claim is based on various studies that have found a correlation between IQ and chess skill. …

I’ve seen one study. It was far from conclusive and showed only a moderate correlation.

There are many untested claims, but very few studies.


Yeah one study is pretty meaningless.  Having seen just one study you have seen next to no research on the topic.

thegamerl wrote:
Title please help
Btw Magnus Carlsons IQ is 190

Nope. He’s never taken a test. Estimates based on his chess skill are rooted in questionable assumptions—essentially estimates of other players’ IQs based on the same assumptions. If you are smart, chances are you don’t play much chess.

Average chess player IQ is 95.

I looked it up it says his it is 190

IQ tests have fallen out of fashion.  The results of testing are politically incorrect.

thegamerl wrote:
thegamerl wrote:
Title please help
Btw Magnus Carlsons IQ is 190

Nope. He’s never taken a test. Estimates based on his chess skill are rooted in questionable assumptions—essentially estimates of other players’ IQs based on the same assumptions. If you are smart, chances are you don’t play much chess.

Average chess player IQ is 95.

I looked it up it says his it is 190

In other words, you believe something that you read on the internet without any assessment of the quality of that information.