
why can't I castle?


I have tried so many times and I can't do it in this game. Can someone please advise how?

  • it must be that king’s very first move
  • it must be that rook’s very first move
  • there cannot be any pieces between the king and rook to move
  • the king may not be in check or pass through check

If you post the actual game link, I can take a look at it. However, I suspect one of the conditions above are not met.


I think the part of this rule that people get confused by is that the King can't pass through a square that's attacked by another piece. 

  1. The castling must be kingside or queenside.
  2. Neither the king nor the chosen rook has previously moved.
  3. There are no pieces between the king and the chosen rook.
  4. The king is not currently in check.
  5. The king does not pass through a square that is attacked by an enemy piece.
  6. The king does not end up in check. (True of any legal move.)



I hadn't moved my king or rook yet. I tried to castle, but bot wouldn't allow. Not sure why. I wasn't in check. It was the beginning of the game. This has happened once before. I must be missing something, but I have no idea what. hmmm.


I just read skelt42's remark. maybe the opponent bot had one of those squares under attack. I'll look more closely next time.


Yes, Alex. Thank you. Maybe one of those squares in between was under attack.


Game link, por favor?

siddrago73 why cant i castle??

siddrago73 wrote:

Which move are we talking about? Not the end position, surely.


I had this today.

I tried several times to castle but I couldn't though i should have been perfectly able to do

Link :

GijsPollet wrote:

I had this today.

I tried several times to castle but I couldn't though i should have been perfectly able to do

Link :

All the times you could castle, you could...

Where is the problem?

GijsPollet wrote:

I had this today.

I tried several times to castle but I couldn't though i should have been perfectly able to do

Link :

If you're using click-move then you have to click the king and then the destination square. Clicking the king and then the rook won't work for standard Chess.

This is a recent change and is slowly rolling out to all members.


Something is wrong with this site. Doesn't allow me to castle anymore


Why can't i castle anymore. How can i fix this.


I have the same issue, I can't castle anymore! I tried to update the app, remove and download it again. Nothing is working! Who knows how to fix this issue?

Erin_25 wrote:

I have the same issue, I can't castle anymore! I tried to update the app, remove and download it again. Nothing is working! Who knows how to fix this issue?

You can't castle how? Are you dragging the king, are are you clicking squares?


When you castle, don't click the rook, just move it two squares


⬆️ Yes, it’s a new update

Moosa180 wrote:

Why can't i castle anymore. How can i fix this.

The site has changed castling to remove the ability to click the king and then the rook to castle, at least by default. If that is what you want to do you need to change the Castling Method under Settings > Board and Pieces to Legacy from Normal.

If you prefer to use click-move, you can click the king and then the destination square under the Normal setting. With drag-move you can drag to the destination square or drag the king to the rook