
Why D4, D5 is a terrible opening


Think about it. Does d4 and d5 help you develop your pieces, nope. A common move after is Nc3. Not threating much because Nxd5 would result in Qxd5. Black would play Nf6, even though there is almost no threat. Still, no opening to help you develop your pieces. Shown below, white's best move in the beginning is E3. After that, he continues to play like any game.



Your irrefutable logic and succinct condemnation of 1.d4 have convinced me to never play it again. All I needed to do was think about it! Cheers.


Or maybe e3 is not really the very best that white can do:

White Wins
Black Wins
1...Nf6 187
33.7% 28.3% 38%
1...d5 168
34.5% 23.8% 41.7%
1...g6 155
21.3% 16.8% 61.9%
1...e5 85
40% 16.5% 43.5%
1...c5 42
19%   71.4%
1...f5 22
59.1% 13.6% 27.3%
1...d6 15
53.3% 20% 26.7%
1...b6 11
45.5% 18.2% 36.4%
1...e6 8
62.5% 25% 12.5%
1...a5 2
50% 50%  

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I wouldn't say it's a terrible opening. But I don't play it myself
Strangemover wrote:

Your irrefutable logic and succinct condemnation of 1.d4 have convinced me to never play it again. All I needed to do was think about it! Cheers.

Post this everywhere and i mean everywhere.


1. d4 d5 2. c4! and the c-pawn which once sat lazily on c2 is now staring d5 in the face, helping White to actually threaten d5 by playing Nc3 with the c-pawn already on c4. White can also put a rook on the c-file and open it with cxd5 now.


I play d4 almost exclusively and am 2100 correspondence, but this 700 rated player has convinced me to give it up for good and switch to e3.  Seriously, I love it when extremely low rated players give chess advice  evil.png

timonypumba wrote:

Why would you play 1. d4 d5 2. Nc3? Unless you know how to play the Veresov or related openings, in an ideal scenario the knight should go behind the c pawn.

I do know how.


 Learn the basics and get a decent rating before you start to give "lessons" in opening theory


playing symmetrical


yes you a 770 rated player know more than the grandmasters who actually play it.


When I'm white I'm happy to see 1.d4 d5 so maybe you are right.  happy.png 


But on a serious note, d5 is totally fine.  Black counters in the center.  It's been playing by GM's for like ever and ever.  But I think you are trolling.  happy.png


2 bad


Lmao, you've made a complete fool out of yourself by posting this and btw another tip for especially in this system, your white bishop should be on the e2 square